Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It doesn't serve them, or the country very well...

Stevie didn't post a dance video this week, and I was going to post another music video, and then I saw this. I first heard about it online, and read the transcript online, and I was jsut going to post that, but then, I saw this an it's so much better.

Coultergeist looks embarrased, nervous and awkward when Edwards first starts talking, but then soon gets right into her Wicked Bitch Of The Right mode. And she mocks Edwards' concern and tries to make it that she (Coultergeist) is the victim, insinuating Edwards wants her to stop talking.

Now, while that would be a great thing if Coultergiest did indeed DO that, but that's not at all what Edwards is saying. She saying if Coultergiest wants to argue issues, and positions, that's fine, but Edwards wants her to just stop the personal attacks. of course, Coultergiest can't do that, because, as I think of it now, I've never heard her mention an actual political opinion. Oh, she's great at calling people fags, and fat, and other names, and great at questioning the motives of mourning 911 widows and such. but really, when was the last time Coultergiest actually stated how she felt about an issue. Immigration? the war in Iraq? North Korea nukes? Health care? Hmm, nope, she has no opinons on that. her whole career is based on slander, and personal attacks.

Which begs the questions, how the hell did she get on Hardball in the first place? Granted I love her being taken down a peg or two, in a polite Southern type of way, on nationwide TV. And I understand she's going to be all over Faux News, as they probably get thier talking points from the same memo. But I have to wonder why she was given he forum on Hardball. Was there NO ONE else that could go on and actually talk politics instead of making fun of people?

I applaud Mrs. Edwards for her politeness and calmness, and for what she tried to do. And if the Edwards do make some money off of this (I'm thinking of shooting some cash thier way), it only scratches the surface on all the money Coultergiest made belittling and lying about the Clintons for more than a decade now.

(note who was the ONLY person to get applause from the audience)


"Eighteen. How's it feel?" "Pretty much like 17 and a half. Except for that whole 'Can be tried as an adult' business." - Jason, Firestorm #14


Anonymous said...

The Ironic thing is that Coulter represents the far right that would rather let a woman die than let her have an abortion. Yet, if there ever was a person born that should have been aborted it is Ann Coulter.

Anonymous said...

The other ironic thing is that the "surprise" call was setup by the folks on Hardball. The next morning Mrs. Edwards sent out an email telling people about her "conversation" with Coulter and asking people to make donations to the Edwards campaign so they could "continue the good fight"..thus this wasn't a "plea for civility" as much as it was a plea for dollars..similar to the way the Edwards campaign has used tragedy (her cancer, and death of son) to further Mr. Edwards political career (or lack there off) As for Coulter, I do agree that she is a bigot, and frankly is as crazy as the wack jobs on the extreme left...however...why is it when Bill Mahr makes the statement "It would have been better if the vice pres. was killed by terrorists" no one says anything, but when Coulter uses the comparasion to what Mahr said and what she said about Edwards, then makes the statement "maybe next time I should just say Edwards should be killed by terroist" people start calling for a "fairness" law in talk radio....once again, I'm not excusing her words...but why is it OK for one crazy asshole to spew hate speech but it's not for another? Wow that was a long comment...figured out who this is yet? I look forward to fighting with you on Sat. pookie :)