Tuesday, June 26, 2007

With your support we're reachin' new heights...

From Scott, over at Bill In Exile :

I'm starting a new holiday here at Bill in Exile. I figure if we can have National Take Your Secretary Out To Lunch At Appleby's For All The Times You've Been An Asshole To Her/Him Day then we can have a national holiday to help supporters of the war in Iraq remember that they did, in fact, support the war in Iraq.

It seems that as of late more and more people like news pundits and politicians as well as just plain folks who were once gung-ho about getting in there and kicking some Islamunistofascist ass {as long as someone else was actually doing the ass kicking} have gone all wobbly and are trying to rewrite history by denying their culpability in their support of the disaster that President Chimpy and the Neocon lunatics in Shooter Cheney's office have saddled this country with.

You can usually tell the ones who are getting ready to start actively denying their support for the Iraq fiasco by their embarrassed silence whenever they find themselves in a group of people who were RIGHT ALL ALONG and opposed the war from the very beginning. The ones who are getting ready to make the jump to Culpability Deniers are the ones who get all quiet during discussions of the war with their friends and then sort of disappear, feigning something like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and beating a hasty retreat from the discussion.

So in order to help these shit for brains, er, um...your friends who supported the war to not forget their contribution to our glorious war effort and for acting as accomplices in the deaths of over 3,500+ American boys and girls, the maiming of over 30,000 and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis I'm starting the National Remind A War Supporter Day.

Celebrating this new holiday is as easy as pie for all one needs to do is make a list of all your friends and acquaintances who were once all hot to trot to send our boys and girls into Iraq and on August the first drop them a card or email or give 'em a jingle on the phone and remind them how very wrong they've been and thank them for the fucking mess we're in.

Something along the lines of "Thanks for the war you asshole" will work just fine although obviously the more creative you can be the better.

Because lets be honest here, without them none of this would have happened and they should be reminded of that as often as possible.

I think this is an outSTANDing idea, and I fully support it. We shouldn't allow all those "Let's go kick thier asses", gung-ho types be able to wiggle out of their responsbility for the mess we're in. The same ones who burned "Dixie Chicks" albums, condemned Madonna for speaking out at one of ther concerts, and generally called anyone un-American who dared to think for themselves and not blindly support Bushie. I think I will be contacting my friends like this, although I'll do it privately and not in a public forum like this. I'll mention no names, but they know who they are, don't they Mr. Parispeking?


"You didn't know it was raining?' "To our credit, sir, we knew it was raining once it started to rain." - Toby Zeigler, The West Wing


Anonymous said...

you have been tagged, check out my blog to find out the rules..... love ya.


Anonymous said...

I'm totally in!!! Great post, great idea...
I know, I am not American...