Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Happy Anniversary to me...

Man, I'd make a HORRIBLE husband! For proof, I'll give you the following examples: I leave my dirty underwear all over the bedroom (and sometimes living room) floor, I snore horribly in bed, I wouldn't want to have sex with my wife (cause she's a woman and I'm gay, DUH!), AND I totally forgot about the Palace's anniversary!

(This is the Flintstones where they sing the Anniversary Song to Wilma...love that episode)

June 23rd, last Saturday was the second year anniversary of Polt's Palace! And I want to thank all 28,350 visitors who stopped by for doing so. I'd thank you all individually, but I don't have all your addresses or phone numbers, so I'll thank you en masse here.


Oh, yeah, and I also burp and fart whenever the mood hits...great husband material, eh?


Your new wife is so pornographic - I mean photogenic. No, I mean slutty. - MikWright


Anonymous said...

My Love ressemble a lot your description... and I love Him at a point you have no idea... He would be a perfect husband... and when He farts, I laugh.... ;-))and all that since 5 years... It's not that bad... ;-))

BirdMadGirl said...

Happy Belated Anniversary :) I'm glad you're here :)