Monday, June 18, 2007

So needless to say I'm odds and ends...

I've got a couple things to say, that don't merit thier own entires, so I'll just lump them all together here.

1) Freddie's mom is a principal at a school. She roped him into being a counselor at a camp for 5th graders. Whether this is a one day thing or longer, I don't know. he told me last night they'd have to talk about talents, how everyone has talents and they'd have to describe one of thier talents. I got a text from him today, all it read was, "God, I HATE 5th graders." he called me afterwards, and said, "I could NEVER be a 5th grade teacher. 5th graders are SO annoying." Two girls were the most annoying, asking him how old he was, if they could call him 'Freddie' instead in Fred, telling him THEY were going to write the stuff down instead of him and then criticizing his writing when he did it, made fun of the other kids' talents. Don't you just hate bitches like that? You KNOW they destined to be snotty cheerleaders. He had to list one of his talents at one point, he put 'musical' instead of some of the talents that I know he's good at...but that's a pretty good thing, I guess. After all of this, he had to take a nap.

2) One day last week, this storm blew in and it started hailing! I haven't experience hail in a long time! I ran to the bathroom window, but it up and took a photo. All the white dots are hail, and you can see the stream of water running down from further up on the roof.

3) Today I got some groceries, and i picked up a bag of mixed fruit (insert your own gay Polt joke here). It's got green apple, red apples, and oranges. I'm gonna try to eat these things instead of chocolate or other not good for me snacks. And I'm gonna try to cut down on the Pepsi. I REALLY need to get in better health.

4) I LOVE this commerical, I laugh everytime I see it.

"Pickle you, kumquat!" Gets me everytime! Bwahahaha

5) I like this one as well. Not so much cause it's funny, just cause I work with each and every one of these people....or a damn good facsimile thereof.

"Sue, you're in charge of waffling." "Are you sure?" heheheheheh, love that line.

6) i HATE summer, the heat, the humidity. Other than about three days in June, it's been rather nice and pleasant. Today, it was in the 90's and the humidity was cranked way up. And we haven't hit July OR August yet. I can't wait for October and the cooler temps it brings.

7) A guy I work with went to New York last weekend. They went to see Spamalot, lucky bastards. He said it was outstanding. I really want to see that myself too sometime.

8) And just because I can, I'm gonna give you 4 guys in 'barely there' swimwear.


"How do you tell everyone that the world's going to end in 48 hours?" "Try an Irish accent." - Swift, The Authority #19

1 comment:

Truthspew said...

Heh, I can sympathize with Freddie. Back when I was in high school we had to do community works, or as we called it Apostolic Frolic.

I got assigned to the JFK Elementary School. One little second grade brate kept driving me nuts until I told him I would put his head through the heavy wooden doors if he didn't shut the fuck up.

Right after that they assigned me to the Diocesean Library. That was an assignment that I just signed in for and then left.

Good on you for working more fruit into your life. Also, cut out the soft drinks. Seriously, that's a pretty high calorie count right there. Keep plenty of nice cold water around. Those Extreme Gulp cups at 7-11 work very well.

I absolutely LOVE summer. How can you not love it? It's the season where minimum clothing is a must. And there's plenty of eye candy. So who cares about sweating a little bit.

And in #8, the guy on the left leaves very little to the imagination.