Two co-workers were talking about a client. One said the client’s name was "High". Second co-worker said, "I wonder if he IS high." I said, "Are you high, Clairee?". Blank stares. Neither of them, probably, had ever even seen Steel Magnolias.
Later, three other co-workers were talking about the death penalty, someone getting the chair. And I said, quietly, more to myself actually, "But ya are, Blanche, ya are in that chair!" I realized I had said it a bit louder than I meant to, and all three were looking at me, uncomprehendingly. Obviously, they've never watched "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?"
And yesterday, one of my coworkers said, "Why can't they just hang up the bags when they're done with them?" And I said, "I told you, no...wire....hangers...EVER!" Crickets chirping, that's what I got. Granted, it wasn't really all that funny, but i expected a bit of recognition from her face. But nope, nothing. Nothing but crickets.
*SIGH*....that's what happens when you're stuck in a straight job.
POLT Oil: 82.92 (+1.46); Gas: 2.72 (-)
Listening to "Missing" by Everything But The Girl
have you ever set the fire alarm off at your work?
cause you're flame'n buddy
atleast you didn't quote "Pricilla, Queen Of The Desert"
I pulled out the 'no wire hangers' quote just the other day ;) LOVE that movie!!
I think I have confirmed my straightness because I wouldnt have got any of those either!
I knew them all - oh, but exile has it right - you must pull out a Priscilla, Queen of the Desert quote sometime - one of the best.movies.ever.
Christina, bring me the axe!
That movie is a camp classic. How anyone could not have seen it astounds me.
But here's one thing I noticed is the sure giveaway if you've got a fellow gay person working with you. Most straight guys are sports obsessed to the point of madness.
I often quote a line from Young Frankenstein: "Could be worse, it could be raining". and from Psycho: "A boys best friend is his mother." Both are quoted in the movie, Latter Days which I've seen over 30 times and used up a whole box of Kleenex because I'm such a wussy.
Comment seems to be working now, Polt.
you're just too funny for your own good my brother...... keep it up.
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