Thursday, December 06, 2007

Baby shoes, baby slippers, baby spoons...

All this talk recently of slippers (the matching ones for Susie's pink polka-dotted robe), made me realize something:

I don't own a pair of slippers.

I never have had a pair of slippers. I don't wear them. in fact, once I'm inside my apartment, I don't wear any kind of footwear. When it's cold, I have to wear socks, or better yet Totes Toasties cause of my cold feet. But other than that, nothing on my feet for me.

In fact, I really hate to put anything back on feet. As long as it's warn enough for me to do so, when i have to go outside briefly, like to take trash out or get something from the car, i don't put anything on my feet.

I know people, liek my mom, always have something on thier feet, and that's fine for them. But not me. cant' stand anything on my feet if I'm inside. Wonder why that is?


Listening to "Mama Told Me Not To Come" by Three Dog Night


S said...

Ok now lookit you making everyone feel sorry for you because you have no slippers! I still say, you are NOT getting them, NO NO NO!

You know what, until I built the yurt bedroom, I had no use for slippers, I hate wearing anything on my feet in the house, not even socks. But now I need them because I have to walk outside to get to my bedroom.....bla bla so you see, I really do need them!

I never used to wear shoes outside but we have way too many sharp things out there such as:
pointy oak leaves
blackberry thorns
broken glass and shrapnel

ok just kidding about the broken glass and shrapnel!

I know you cropped that picture, and you are wearing the pink robe with those black socks!

Truthspew said...

During the summer when I'm home I go barefoot as much as possible.

But when the cooler weather comes I have a pair of happy feet slipper that I put on, or these nice heavy socks that we get at the Army/Navy surplus store.

exile said...


if polt had slippers what would they look like...

Cooper said...

I'm the same as you. Once I'm indoors, I either wear socks or bare feet. No cutesy slippers for me ... although I AM tempted by the ones in your earlier post. ;)

Anonymous said...

I always wear socks, my feet are just too cold otherwise. To each his own I guess.


Bunny said...

I need my socks. Even though I get regular pedicures and have nice feet, I want others to keep their nasty feet covered and I figure I better practice what I preach!

But I have been known take off the socks to fetch the paper in the snow, so I don't get my socks wet. I throw the socks back on after I dry off my feet. (The things I'll do to avoid the shoes . . . )

I do have slippers of course - BUNNY slippers!