Saturday, December 01, 2007

Illness of the evening...

So yeah, migraines...they suck don't they? The only thing worse than migraines, I think, is having the flu WITH the migraines...the flu that includes coughing. OOOOh, the jarring pain.

Yesterday, when I woke up in the afternoon and the migraine was gone (thank God, and no vomiting with this one either), I still had the head full of snot, raspy throat, coughing and cold chills. Fun abounding.

When i had called into work, a co-worker called me back. Since I had worked a Monday for her a few weeks ago, she offered to work today for me and give me another day to recover. I took the offer. And went back to sleep. SO that means I had yesterday AND today to recover from everything...and I'm glad I did. Today, I slept in as well. Felt pretty rested when i got up. I still had the full head and raspy throat, but I think the chills and fever are gone. And I dont feel as rough as I did. And in addition, I've got my two regular days off (Sunday and Monday) to recover. I had a four day weekend...but not in the way I wanted to spend a four day weekend, ya know?

Anyways, I think I have some catching up to do on here....


Listening to "Fergilious" by Fergie


Anonymous said...

I get migraines too. They start by making wavy lines in front of my eyes. Sometimes Coke helps sometimes coffee sometimes nothing helps. Then my head gets real sore after it stops throbbing it has a dull pain that lets me know it will be back. I get real hungry then and can eat my weight in Chips & Dip.
Enjoy your time off. The weather here is shitty and it's heading your way, sorry. Ed

BirdMadGirl said...

I've never had a migraine, but my honey gets them all the time... so badly that we have an endless supply of Vicadin in the house. Sorry you're a sufferer too... I see what he goes through and it's nothing I would wish on anyone :(