Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Laying down on a quiet night...

I got up this morning, fully intending to go to work. Did I make it? Nope. I went out back to the off-street parking area we have, started the car, pulled out the de-icer and sprayed it on all the windows. Turned on the defroster for the back window. Turned the radio to a station I liked, pulled out of the spot heading for the area's exit into the alley...and promptly stopped.

There were wires laying down over the entrance! I got out and looked around, apparently, a tree was knocked over or had fallen over, and on it's way, it drug a whole bunch of wires down with it. And did so with such force that it ripped a telephone pole nearby clean in half! The upper half was laying across the alley, blocking it just as the tree was further on down the alley. The other way there were wires along the side of the alley, and a warning sign and horse with a blinking light on it telling people to stay out. And for me to leave the off-street parking, I'd have to drive right across those wires, which were still attached to smoe things, but which might have been torn off if I drove over them. So no work for me.

I called in to work. The bad part is, I only have 3 hours of vacation. So I had to take a sick day, telling my superior after I explained the wires situation, that I suddenly developed a migraine and would have to take a sick day. He laughed, as did I, but that really sucked wasting a sick day. Course, if I hadn't wasted all my vacation hours recently, I would have had some to take a vacation day. but whatever, all water under the bridge now.

Thankfully, i had my camera with me, so I took a few shots of the damage.

I parked my car back there Saturday after work, and haven't been back there since, so I have no idea when it happened. I know lines were down all over and power was still out to a bunch of people, from the winds and ice of the weekend storm, although I had none of those troubles.

Well, whatever, back to work tomorrow, then. And all the work that's piled up since....ugh....

UPDATE: Didn't realize I didn't mention this until I read Ed's comment. About 6:00, I took the trash out and walked around back, it was all gone. There still isn't a pole holding up the cables, thusly, they're at about half a foot above my head, but my car can get through, so that's all that matters. I heard chainsaws in the late afternoon, but one of my neighbors, who gets home about 3:30 and never parks out front, did so tonight. And another neighbor, that normally gets home about 5:30, was parked in back. So I'm assuming it was completed sometime between there.

Cable lines, electric lines, phone lines...I was a political science major in college, what do I know about electrical engineering. I wasn't gonna take a chance, Truth.


Listening to "Maneater" by Nekky Furtado


Truthspew said...

It's just telephone cable. If you'd rolled over it worst that would happen is you'd make the splicers job a little more interesting.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't all look like phone cable. It is better to be safe than sorry. I'd call the utility company and ask when it will be fixed. Ed

jimm said...

um... where's the snow???