Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lookin' to unite, put you knuckleheads together...

This comes from Scott over at, a spot you really don't want to visit if you're under 18, or easily offended by gay sex and such. Nonetheless, Scott also frequently has spot-on political comments there, that most recent, I've posted below. The quote is reprint worthy itself, but Scott's comment on it is just exactly what needs to be said right now, and exactly how I feel about things.

"Even now, it's better for your reputation not to have noticed until, say, 2005 that we had some dangerous people running the country. If you noticed earlier - or, worse yet, you caught on to the administration's essential mendacity right from the beginning - it's not a sign that maybe you had good judgment. It shows that you were an irrational Bush hater."

Paul Krugman commenting upon the fact that although there were people who never bought the lie{s} many of those who did still refuse to admit they were Wrong About Everything and instead try to shift the focus away from themselves and their abject fucking stupidity through the use of smoke and mirrors.

Listen, I know I've harshed on Bush supporters in the past and if you got snookered by Bushco in 2000 it's OK. Shit happens as Don Rumsfeld once opined. Although I guess he said "stuff happens".

And if you were so pathetically dim that in 2004 you still drank the Kool-Aid or somehow thought it important to support THIS president during a time of war even with all the facts about these people being pretty much in by then, well, so long as you admit the error of your ways like an adult and endeavor to pay closer attention in the future then I'm fine with letting bygones be bygones. You don't even have to publicly confess that there were those of us who were Right All Along. See, I'm big that way.

But if you're so intractable that after seven years you're still unable or unwilling to admit your complicity in the single greatest disaster to befall this nation since Reconstruction and believe that Bush hatred is irrational, well then, you should have your voting privileges revoked and be forced to undergo sterilization because you're too fucking stupid to be trusted with the franchise and God knows what kind of mouth breathing flipper babies might result from your coupling.


I wish I could write things like that. Amen, brother man, Amen.

POLT Oil: 95.80 (+1.32); gas: 2.98 (+.03)

Listening to "Paradox" by The Church

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