Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Buying a house, and we wage wars...

Tonight, I got a call from Phoenix. It seems he and Mrs. Phoenix...

Have decided upon a house, a condo, that they're going to buy. he told me that they, I suppose the realtor, started on the contract today and when they get it, they'll give it to thier lawyer and have him look over it, and it if all works out, they'll be in thier own home by February or March.

And my first thoughts were "Owning a home and HAVING a how grownup. Who knew Phoenix would become an adult before me (I'm like 7 years older than him)." then, I thought it a second and knew I should have expected it all along, cause God knows I don't wanna become a grownup.

At any rate, congrats on thier home buying!


Listening to "Burning Down The House" by The Talking Heads

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