Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Lies, dripping off your mouth like dirt...

Ah, it continues. What do you do when you're president's lies are laid out for all to see by a report on Iran's no longer pursuing of nukes done by the Intelligence community? Well naturally, you do what you've done for the last 6 years: when you can't attack the message, attack the messanger.

Paging John Bolton! John Bolton, Bushie's choice for UN ambassador, who had previously said the UN was irrelevant, and who had to be appointed during a recess appointment and was withdrawn because it was clear he couldn't get approved by a REPUBLICAN controlled Congress.

Today, the bushies trotted out ole Bushy-tached Bolton on Faux Noise (as if there was anywhere else he was going to go), and had him question the motives of the people involved in the production of this intelligence report. Maybe, just maybe, Bolton says, there are people in the intelligence community who have an agenda against the administration and this is thier way of embarrassing the president.

Suuuuure, when facts come out that are contrary to what you're telling people, question the motives and come up with a conspiracy. Nice.


Listening to "Confusion" by New Order


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