Monday, December 24, 2007

How sweet and wonderful life can be, yeah...

I had to work today. I wore my brand new tie: bright red with big Christmas light decorating it.

It wasn't until I was actually putting it on this morning that I realized there was a thingee in the tie's bottom that, when pressed, played Jingle Bells. *SIGH* Cheesier than I thought. Work itself wasn't that bad, it rarely is on holidays. Today was a holiday, so there was a limited staff, and no administration....that always makes a good day. And I left at 2:45 instead of 4:00...again, always a good day when that happens.

After work, i stopped and got a sub for mom and I. I took it to her house and hung out there a bit. She was going to church at 6:00, to return at 7:00, and probably wouldn't be hungry until then. I told I wouldn't be either, so we agreed to eat then.

I came back here and fooled around for a few hours online, as I'm known to do. Then i returned to her place, and we ate the sub and then talked for a bit. While looking in the guide, she asked if I had ever seen "It's A Wonderful Life." I had never seen the whole thing in one sitting, but pretty much ever year, I see some parts of it. She said pretty much the same thing. She said it was on TV tonight 8-11. It was already 8:15, but we decided to watch it anyway.

It was the first time all the way through for both of us. Not a bad movie, actually. Angel tired out from all the excitement as you can see below.

I offered to stay the night, as this would be her first alone...ever. She said she didn't care, whatever I wanted to do. i told her I didn't want to stay for me, but I'd stay for her if she wanted me to. She said she was just going to stuff the turkey and then go to bed, so there wasn't any real reason for me to stay. After making sure she was okay, I came home and posted this.

So, to all the regular Palace readers down to the first time visitor, I wish you all a very VERY Merry Christmas tomorrow!!!


Listening to "Is That You Santa Claus?" by Louis Armstrong

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