Wednesday, December 19, 2007

When I was twelve, at summer camp (Part 6)...

I hadn't realized the 12th of the month has passed until this past Saturday. Well, of course I KNEW the 12th had passed, but it hadn't occured to me to take a 12 for the 12th photo thingee until then. So I figured, even though I missed the 12th, I could still give you a 12 for the 12th. And without further ado...

12 For The 12th (+ one week)

Okay, off, we go...

Yeah, I know the clock says 7:31, but I keep my clock set a half hour ahead...nonetheless, this is me first thing in the morning, turning off the alarm.

This is my lunch today. I went to Pinera Bread and got the You Pick Two deal. I got the Chicken Ceasar Salad and the Smoked Ham & Swiss sandwich, no tomatoes, with a bad of chips. The container on the far right is something a co-worker brought in, it had four cookies in it and a lottery ticket. That's the local newspaper I read during lunch, and this is obviously at my work.

After work, I drove into town, and hit a slight bit of traffic, which you can see here.

I parked the car and walked towards the comic book store. This is an intersection on my way there. The big building on the opposite corner is the County Circuit Courthouse.

I've taken a few photos of the outside of the comic book store before. This is my first one inside...right inside the door as a matter of fact. In the center of the photo, just getting up from a squatting position is the owner, Luke.

Afterwards, it was time for my monthly cut-N-color. I get that all done at this establishment.

After applying the color, and getting my under the dryer, my stylist, Linda, got her dog from the car (it's a long story). Lulu is that dog's name, and she's the sweetest thing. Although she was being forced to wear a santa coat....poor thing.

This would be Linda working her magic on me.

Afterwards, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things: milk (whole), bread (honey wheat), yogurt (7 cups...there was a sale), TV dinners (three), and a 12 pack of Pepsi. Just the necessities, don'tchaknow?

Before going home, I stopped by mom's. I like to do that as many times a week as I can since dad died. Just to give her someone to talk to and stuff. But this is the outside of her house. I think she's decorated it quite nicely.

This is my computer, what I sit in front of and waste way too much time. But look at the results...or more accruately, you're looking at the results!

This is me, laying in bed, resting, and reading the comic books I purchased earlier.

And that's the 12th (plus one week)


Listening to "Possession (Rabbit In The Hole Mix)" by Sarah Maclachlin

1 comment:

Stephen R. said...

I just picked up that issue of the JLA. Good one? I can't wait to read it on the bus home later tonight. :)