Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I had debated posting this, but then I thought, oh what the hell? It's not like you people don't already know my most disturbing secrets already right? And this one's actually more amusing than anything...

So, earlier this year, I met this guy online. We'll call him T. T lives in my town. He's 19. He says he likes older guys, and hey, what do you know, I'm an older guy that like 19 year olds! So twice, once in early February once at the end of February, he came over and...a good time was had by all.

Both times, though, I'm thinking this kid looks familiar to me. I thought maybe I knew him through work, although that didn't really seem likely, or I probably saw him a party I was at last year, but we didn't talk or anything. Or hell, since he grew up in my town, I mighta just seen him around. It really didn't bother me much, but it was one of those nagging things, like not being able to remember someone's name after you met them, or not being able to remember where you put your car keys, something like that. The sex overwhelmed my frustration at figuring out where I knew him from.

So cut to two weekends ago. I'm at Wal-Mart (don't judge me), and I run into this girl I went to school with. We'll call her M. We didn't know each other terribly well in school, but in the late 80's we worked at the same place, and we even dated for about 8 months. I hadn't seen her since, well, probably since our five year reunion back in 1991.

So we catch up, ya know, How are you? What are you doing now? Where are you living? How's your mother/father, brothers, etc? She tells me she's married, been so since before the reunion, and I told her I remembered meeting and shaking hands with her husband. It was a bit awkward to be the ex-boyfriend shaking the husband's hand. Polite ha-ha's follow.

She says she's got three boys and a girl. And she pulls one of those picture things out of her wallet to show me. She points out her kids, and i'm sure I went white.

Her oldest son? It's T!


I kinda wrapped things up then a bit hurriedly and went on my way after that. No wonder he looked familiar, he looks quite a bit like her! Same face shape, same hair color and texture. Same eye color. Same pale-ish complexion. Oh man it was freaky. And how could I know? I mean, his last name is his father's name, after all! And I hadn't spoken to her, much less remembered her married name in damn near twenty years! But my life, I SWEAR sometimes I'm a living a Jerry Springer episode.

Yes, yes it's true, I fucked both a cute guy AND his mother (albeit 20 years apart).

POLT Listening to "Lightning Crashes" by LIVE

Don't be a dick burglar! - Mini-Muff, Another Gay Movie


Tam said...

Okay, I'm laughing too hard to be squicked out. LOL Damn man, that will teach you to stick to one sex. But then I suppose you could have slept with the cute guy and his father. I'm so glad its you and not me. Oh shit, are you sure it was 20 years and not 19? NOW I'm squicked out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that. Ain't life grand?!

Ray Avito said...

**clears throat** YIKES!! And in Wal-Mart, no less. You really can get anything imaginable in that place!

Anonymous said...

Well, there is something to be said for keeping it in the family.

But yes, that had to be awkward. Ah well, you'll get over it.

Polt said...

I'll "get over it"? Truthspew, I'm already anxiously awaiting the next time he calls. No I won't tell him abuot his mom and me, but he's just really really what he does. :)


Anonymous said...

this is the best story I've ever heard!!!!!! you made my day

hoteltuesday said...

Wow. Only you.

Virginia Rose Kane said...

Wait, though...are you completely sure you're not his dad?

Michelle M. said...

Hmmm. Small world.

Anonymous said...

What Virginia wrote-that's so wrong!!! :)

So, does his mom know he's not straight?

Polt said...

Virginia: She and I broke up in like 1988 or so, T is 19, means he was born in 1990 or so. So I'm safely NOT his dad....thank GOD!

TUG: I don't know if she knows or not, but I'm not gonna tell her! She might ask how I know.


Craig said...