Thursday, April 09, 2009

Just a loss of perspective, flaw in the grand plan...

So I'm going about my day, whining about the little things I have to deal with, thinking they're some kinda of great impasse in my life. And then....

And then, I find out from a close friend of mine that he's going to lose his job in May or June! And with all the crap he's been through the last year (and he's been through a lot of crap), this is just the icing on the cake. Man, I wouldn't know what to do. Although he's really pretty talented in his field, so I'm thinking he probably won't have too much trouble finding another job (at least I hope not), but still, just the fact of losing it in the first place.

And then, in the afternoon, perhaps some of you have heard about THIS. The California Angels pitcher< Nick Adenhart, was killed in a drunk driving accident last night. Sad, but it's nothing that would even make a blip on my radar. At least until a co-worker of mine came into my office, not in work clothes, unshaven and a bit shell-shocked, and asked me if I heard. Then he told me the story.

It's his nephew. Nick was 22 years old, had just pitched his first start of the season for the Angels and had a good game. After the game, his dad went to the hotel, but Nick stayed back to be interviewed, and then on the way to the hotel, the car he was in was hit by a drunk driver, going 80, running a red light. Two passengars with Nick were apparently dead on site. Nick was taken to a hospital and spent most of the night surgery, but died.

Man, this hit me so hard. I didn't even know the kid existed until I found out he was dead. And I'm not terribly close to my co-worker either. But I just could NOT concentrate on anything the rest of the day. I was in a daze. I think it's cause it's not even been two months since AJ died, maybe. I don't know.

On the way home, I had the iPod playing, and the windows down and a cool breeze was blowing in, on a beautiful 69 degree spring day. And that helped.

But if nothing else, this really brought home how you need to keep things in perspective. I mean, why bitch about a co-worker's whiney personality when people are losing jobs or dying in car wrecks? What a day.

POLT Listening to "A Murder Of One" by The Counting Crows

Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything. - Frank Dane, 2001


Stephen R. said...

Amen. It's news like that that helps me remember what is truly important in life - - friends, family, loved ones. Spending time with them. Telling them that we love them. That's all that matters in the world.

Tam said...

Oh no. I read about that accident but don't follow baseball at all. Mojo to all who need it. It is easy to forget about the big stuff when we get caught up in the little crap sometimes.

Anonymous said...

All well said Polt. It's even more sad when you consider all the events that happen you never hear about. Then there are all the good things you never hear about as well.

Xi_Heather said...

:( That really stinks. And it seems even worse because it feels preventable.

[TwoPi figured out the commenting problem -- I had Blogger prevented from setting cookies, and it retaliated by not letting me see the visuals. Problem fixed now.]