Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jumping the fence...

Arlen Spector, my own state's Republican Sentor is no more. No, he didn't die. He switched parties and is now a Democrat (which some wingnuts will, I'm sure claim, is worse than death). Oh if only I could hear the spittle-flying, vein-pulsing, foaming at the mouth ranting and raving that's taking place on talk radio. I bet Laura "screeching harpy" Ingraham is even more shrill than usual, that Boss Limbaugh's jowls are quivering in righteous indination, and that Glennie Beck is..well, still his insane self, only moreso.

That give the Dems 59 votes in the Senate, and with Al Franken just awaiting the clearing of all of the Republican legal hurdles they're throwing up in his way, it'll be a filibuster proof majority for the Dems!

And how great is it for me to be, for the first time in my life, represented in the Senate by two Democrats!

I'd still like to see a 'real' Democrat representing Pennsylvania come January 2011, but Spector will do fine until then.

Swine flu pandemic, Bea Arthur dying, now Spector switching parties...Geez, I swear I leave the country for a week and the whole country turns upside down!



john said...

I haven't heard all the hooplah yet, but there is already some bearing and gnashing of teeth. I am very excited and have tremendous respect for him for standing up for what he believes in.

Anonymous said...

Well, the swine flu thing can be contained by following simple measures. Stay in the house for a couple weeks. Shut everything down except grocery stores and pharmacies.

But good news on the jump to the Democratic side.

Anonymous said...

Arlen Spector did it because he knows he cannot win next term as a Republican.... Totally politic. He is also a liberal so that fits.


P.S. we miss you Polt