Tuesday, April 14, 2009

An utterance, information, don't mince words

TMI Tuesdays

1. If you could describe your personality through a dance what would it be? What the hell kind of question is this? Um, I don’t know, how about the funky chicken?
2. What about describing your sex life through a type of dance? I don’t know if it has a name, but about when that girl that’s had too much to drink gets out on the dance all by herself and just kinda moves around, without grace and without a beat? That’s been my sex life as of late. But Toronto's next week, so that should change!
3. What's one move on the dance floor sure to turn you on? A dropping to his knees in front of me and running his tongue up and down my zipper will usually do the trick.
4. Is there a dancer you would love to be with? (Dancer can be used as loosely as you want!) Zac Efron, he did some dance steps in that musical movie, right?
5. What moves do you pull out to impress someone new? My moves to impress do not take place on the dance floor. They take place in a more private setting.



Craig said...

"A dropping to his knees in front of me and running his tongue up and down my zipper will usually do the trick."

Um, do things like this happen in real life? I need to get out more. And wouldn't licking a zipper hurt?

Polt said...

Well it only happened once...the dropping to his knees in front of me, not the licking zipper part. And frankly, it was actually rather embarrassing more than anything. But it sounded good as an answer.

And hey, if any guy wants to lick my zipper, it's this tongue, what do I care if it hurts? :)


Michelle M. said...

The African Anteater Ritual?