Thursday, April 09, 2009

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 156)...

Once more, kids, it's time for...

And this is the Second Installment in the series titled: Uncle Polt's Undies.

As I mentioned last week, and much to my eternal shame, I, as a gay man, do NOT have a real honest-to-RuPaul pair of rainbow undies. I have a 'kinda sorta' pair, that I revealed last week. And I have one other "almost maybe, but not quite pair", and they're these:

As you can see, all the colors of the rainbow are in there, even thought they seem to have a predominance of yellow, and they're not really rainbow-ish. I believe I shall now make it my goal in life to find myself a pair of rainbow undies that any self-respecting gay man could wear, and display, proudly.

I got my hand cupped over Lil Polt and The Boys cause these undies are a bit small for me, and they tend to spread the fly a bit open. So even though, my naughty bits apparently wanted to pop out for a quick peek, I don't want to turn the Palace into an X-rated site with one of those annoying "Content Warning" screens you have to click through. Sorry.

To see what others posted, click

POLT Listening to "Backwater" by The Meat Puppets

"Does he climb poles?" "No, that's our job." - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Anonymous said...

Great quote at the bottom. Sorta appropriate for the post as well.

Anonymous said...

I love those undies!!

Happy HNT!

Ray Avito said...

Looks like the opening scene of Polt's Solo Seductions, Part 2...*giggles*

I will refrain from any overtly sexual comments for the rest of