Tuesday, April 28, 2009

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 135)... & Tuesday's Guest Post - Enrico

Today's Guest Post is by Enrico from Hotel Tuesday. Since he is so young and innocent and viginal, he thought it an interesting idea to have HIM answer this week's TMI Tuesday questions instead of me. I'm certain it'll be quite a change of pace!

TMI Tuesdays
1. Have you ever had angry sex? No. Not only do I not get angry easily, but I'm not married and therefore a virgin! 0: )
2. Pity sex? ... No? Does this type of sex involve armpits somehow? Then I'd rather not....
3. "Oh well, I might as well" sex? I'm seeing a trend here. And no, I have not had that type of sex either. Why would anyone have this type of sex? Oh, I guess this comes after you've been married for a long time....
4. One-of-you-knew-it-was-goodbye-and-the-other-didn't sex? Have to say I haven't. And is this a standard way of saying goodbye to someone? I prefer waving.
5. Don't-remember-having-it sex? .... How would I be able to answer this question?
6. Regret-it-afterward sex? No, but I did once hug someone and then regretted it! Does that count??
7. Can't-remember-his/her-name sex? Nope. But you can bet if I ever do, then my spouse will be pretty mad I forgot his/her name!
8. Never-knew-his/her-name sex? That kind of stuff only happens to Carrie Underwood.
Bonus: What was the worst single sexual experience of your life? One time, I went to a dance at my high school. Some kid was dancing behind me with his girlfriend. Suddenly, I felt some strange object on my rear. Well, I think that guy behind me was drunk because he was suddenly dancing ON me! All my friends were like, "Yeah, get it now!" but I ran out of that place so fast and took three showers. (And no, not cold ones!)
See, this is more exciting than MY answers would have been, cause they all woulda been simple Yes answers. Although, I gotta say the Bonus answer did make me giggle like a little girl - Polt


Tam said...

Very cute, I liked the waving good-bye one. Stick to your guns and wait for the right person if that's important to you. Although not sure how old you'll be if you are waiting to get married, although perhaps not as old as I feared depending where you end up living.

-jeff said...

When does the TMI part start?

At least on his blog we get pics of him in his boxers. lol.


Ray Avito said...

The bonus question!! HA!!

Anonymous said...

so innocent! What a catch. I live in Oregon, wanna visit me?

john said...

Awww, Enrico, you are going to make some guy very, very lucky. Just make sure he deserves you.

Oh, and the bonus question answer was awesome.

Michelle M. said...

"I prefer waving." Too funny : ).

Very amusing Snickers! Hope you evade 1-8 sex (and the bonus) once you meet Mr. Right.