Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kinda sorta second guest post for the day...

Tam sent us an email after she got home, and asked me to post it here, since she doesn't have a blog:

"I had SUCH a fun time in Toronto with Polt and his friend Michelle. He is as terrific in real life as on-line and we laughed and laughed and he shared all the dirt on the Puntabugang with me. :-D There are no secrets now. HAHAHAHAHAHA (that was an evil laugh) And I still say that clerk in the HMV music store does NOT need a bag over his head. He just needed some mousse to give his hair body, he was adorable even if we confused the hell out of him. And I hope Sears hasn't tracked him down to ban him for moving the mannequins. I was innocent, it was all him. I swear. A nice Canadian girl wouldn't touch those.

I am totally in love with Michelle. We seemed to be a lot alike and had so much in common. Like we both knew those leather shorts on that waiter were NOT that tight, we both love Ace of Cakes (although she's crushing on Duff and I'm crushing on Geoff), and we both felt free to give Polt a hard time at our leisure. It was really a pleasure to get to know her. Oh, one area we differ? The woman LOVES her spinach but she can have mine.

So while it was a short trip I am so glad we were able to get together. It was filled with fun times, good food, some sunburn and lots of laughs. Oh and they have just the cutest accents. LOL Thanks guys for sharing your vacation with me and hope I will see you again very soon. Hugs from me to you."

I know you guys wont have any idea about the stuff she's mentioning there, but Michelle and I were cracking up reading it. And even if you don't get it all, I think you can see just how much fun we had by all the stuff she mentioned. It's hard to believe she was here for less than 24 hours, we had such a great time. Together.

HUGS to you too, Tam, from both of us!


hoteltuesday said...

Sounds like you had a great time! You're very lucky to have met Tam. She's pretty awesome!

Ray Avito said...

Ace of Cakes? Color me curious...and now I have "...I saw the sign..." running through my head.