Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Traffic jam, but you and i have got a better plan...

After work, I went downtown to get my comic books, as I do every Wednesday, and I got caught in traffic. It was backed up like 3 blocks in the direction I was going, not to mention all the other directions. Eventually, I figured out it the moronic Faux News ploy, the 'teabagging' thing they were doing.

There were cops, probably on overtime, at several intersections forced to direct traffic so a bunch of idoits could stand in the rain and have their, 'grassroots'-organized (but funded, underwritten and paid for by far right wing groups with people like Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey and Rupert Murdoch leading them) "teaparty" "protest", which in actuality did little more than tie up traffic all over town, thus requiring the need for police officers on overtime to handle it, resulting to MORE taxdollars wasted on something stupid!!! Does NO ONE see the irony in this?

I have a couple questions for these Fox Noise/Talk Radio sheep. Where the hell were you people over the last eight years? When Bushie was squandering the largest budget surplus in USA history on huge tax cuts to the richest Americans, and throwing millions of dollars hand over fist into Iraq, with no accounting of where it went, where was your outrage then? So the trillion that Bushie rang up, with nothing to show for it but an economic crisis and two quagmires our military's trapped in, that's okay, but spending a trillion on infrastructure improvements to spur the economy out of recession is horrible? The FIRST trillion is fine and dandy, but, oh the SECOND one, well we have to be up in arms? And tie me up in traffic?

Some people need to turn off the TV or the radio, and get themselves a hobby. Or take a walk. Or perhaps just start thinking for themselves, instead of thinking the way Boss Limbaugh tells them to.

POLT Listening to "Cars" by Gary Neuman

It's 24 hours after the polls have closed and America is confused and unsure of what is happening. The Bush era has begun. - Bill Maher, November 2000


john said...


I'm so annoyed with the whole thing. I still can't believe that people actually believe this crap but can't see how much money was spent over the last 8 years. Pathetic.

They have cheapened what the Boston Tea Party was all about AND given tea bagging a bad name.

Ryan Royce Williams said...

I missed the traffic jam apparently, but did see the "party." Ain't no party like the Republican Party! For the past month I've been reading various books concerning social activism and political rebellion and this whole tea party thing spits in the face of truth, history, and is an insult to America itself. I could go on forever about this, but we're on the same page and you know all of this already. I'm happy to have read this entry though. :)