Friday, April 10, 2009

She has ovaries and i have a light saber...

I saw this on Stephen's blog today and I just HAD to steal it.

I present this for the Palace's straight male visitors (all three of you) to watch and enjoy. Now stop bugging about not enough women here.

And there's even something here for the Star Trek geeks. The guy only has one line, but it AWESOME!

POLT Listening to "Clocks" by Coldplay

How am I ever gonna get a girl, I ride around in a garbage truck. - Hellboy


Tam said...

How appropriate as I just watched Luke blow up the death star a minute ago. Its been all Star Wars all day at my house. Well, I missed episode 1 and half of 2 because I forgot but I like 4-6 better anyway, brings back those childhood memories.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I love Star Wars takes on things. Ryan vs. Dorkman was good though.

And Chad Vader, my goodness. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome! Thank you!