Friday, September 21, 2007

Keep your numbers mounting (Part 5)...

55 Fridays

The penny was face down. "Leave it alone," she thought, but didn’t. She wanted to turn it face up, leaving it there, for good luck for the next guy. Then a Lexus swurved to miss her and slammed into her SUV. She shouldn’t have stopped in the middle of the street, even for a penny.


"Where the hell are my slippers?" "Have you looked up your ass, you drunk?" - Rosario, Will & Grace


Anonymous said...

Serves her right. Driving a damned SUV with the price of petrol the way it is and worrying about a penny.

And strange that no he or she swerved their Lexus into the SUV. It just swerved there all by itself. Funny, that.

I usually pick up the pennies and keep them. I need all I can get. I'll still never have enough for a Lexus

Bitchy Fairy Godfather.

Toadee said...

nicely written

S said...

Well now is that good luck or not?
The car could have hit her instead of her SUV.....

I really like this one Polt, I hope you see that I finally got and f kill me in blogland with HNT and 55!

BTW I love that black and white pic up there of those two men....delicious!