Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Think I'll buy me a football team (Part 3)...

Well this week things went inCREDibly well. 1) The Cowboys won, and pretty handily over the Bears. 2) The Deadskins lost. 3) Pittsburgh won, so I'm still in the pool at work. 4) I picked all 4 games correctly against Johnnie, so I was 4-0 on the week and 7-4 overall. He owes me $3 bucks right now. I dont think I could have asked for it to go any better.

POLT Oil: 79.39 (-1.61); Gas: 2.78 (+.01)

"Is it true you've become a Republican?" "I am ashamed to admit that for a minute or two I wanted to keep my money all for myself and oppress dark skinned people as my low paid servants, but it just wasn't the thrill I thought it would be." - Roseanne

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