Sunday, September 16, 2007

Eight days a week...

I got notice tonight that I was tagged by Valyna. I have actually done this meme before, but since it's from the lovely, if a bit twisted, Valyna, how can I say no? After all, I'm lovely and a bit twisted myself. I just hope I can come up with 8 things about myself that I haven't already talked about on here. Whatever, here we go....

Here are the rules:

1) Post these rules before you give your facts
2) List 8 random facts about yourself
3) At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them
4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they've been tagged

1. I hate it when guys named William abbreviate it "Wm". Wanna go by Will? Willy? Bill? Billy? That's all fine as those ARE names. "Wm" just seems lazy.

2. When I see a big fancy car or truck purposefully parked diagonally across two or more parking spaces, i just want to scrape my keys right along the side. Like thier big obscene gas guzzler is so much more important, that it deserves to park that way. It's just arrogance.

3. I don't know why, but all my favorite comediennes were red-heads. Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Madeline Kahn, Kathy Griffin, go figure.

4. While I LOVE the Dallas Cowboys, the only professional football games I've seen have been thier arch-enemies, the Washintong Redskins. I saw the 'Skins in Washington 3 times. Coincidentally, all three times, the 'Skins lost.

5. When I was 14, I told my mother to go to hell. Without turning, she swung her hand back and caught me across the face. It was so fast, I didn't see it coming. I never said a swear word, not even in a joke, in front of her for 10 years.

6. Since I live on the third floor, and there's no buildings nearby that can see in my windows, when I'm home, I'm usually naked. Even in winter. I just prefer it that way.

7. I love it when my mom makes Hog Maw, I have since I was a kid. Luckily, I didn't know it was pig's stomach until I was much much older, or I wouldn't ever have eaten it.

8. I hate pooping, always have. When i was in Junior High, and younger, I'd go once maybe twice a week, which was kinda painful, naturally, which led to me not wanting to go even more. However, something happened in my freshman year of college, I have no idea what, but I just couldn't hold it any longer. Now I frequently go two or three times a day.

(yeah, well, sorry about that last one, I was running outta ideas)

I'm not gonna pick anyone else to do this, if you want to, feel free to do so, and let me know you did!


When you sprinkle rose petals all over your bedroom, it's like gay vandals have been there. - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Truthspew said...

Fascinating list. As far as the big truck or SUV across two spaces, they deserve to be keyed just for that offense.

But I drive one of those. Hey, the price was right. Found a guy who was liquidating his collection of cars and trucks. It's an '05 Explorer that I paid < $5K for.

And I don't park like an asshole.

Bunny said...

Oh, I wanna key those cars/SUVs too. And I have (don't tell).

Hog Maw - oh no! What are you, hillbillies? (I come from a long line of hillbillies myownself . . . ) :)

I'm 2-3 times a day person too. Can't imagine going days without going. But then, I never even got constipated when I was pregnant. My body just doesn't have that setting, I guess.

Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see if TMI tomorrow can top this . . .

BirdMadGirl said...

Thanks for being a good sport :) I know a lot of people loathe these.

I completely agree with you on the temptation to key those vehicles. They're just completely asking for it if you ask me :)

I clicked your hog maw link and now my breakfast sitting here is no longer appetizing ;) I've never heard of such a thing before... it just amazes me what people consume as food. But to each their own, I guess. I'm a non-pork/beef eater so I may be a bit more sensitive than most.

Thanks Polt :) And thank you for labeling me as 'twisted'. I really like that :D