Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Spent their weekends on the Jersey Shore...

So this weekend, Freddie was here. He got here Friday night. We had a wonderful Friday night.

Saturday, after I got off work, my buddy Johnnie came down. He was here for the Labor Day holiday. It had been since like last Christmas that I actually saw him in person, even though we've been talking on the phone and emails and such. And Freddie and Johnnie finally got to meet in person. We went to eat at a steak house, and then walked around the outlets some before going to a used bookstore that's selling every book for just a dollar. I got two books, Freddie got two zoo books, but Johnnie had like 6, 8, 12 books. He made out like a bandit. We came back here and hung out here for a bit before Johnnie left. Freddie and I then stayed up and watched more of Queer As Folk, season 1.

Sunday, Freddie's friend Megan came over. She goes to his college and has a major relating to zoos like Freddie (whether its the same major as him, I don't know). The three of us went to the National Zoo in DC. Megan brought muffins that she and her mother had made. I had a chocolate chip one and a cinnamon strussel one. Heavenly! We walked around the zoo for about 4 hours. Then we walked to DuPont Circle, visited a few stores and ate in the venerable Annie's Steakhouse. After this, we returned to the metro which took us to my car and I returned us home. Megan left, and Freddie and I stayed inside, I think maybe watching some more of QasF.

Monday, we got up and just hung around the house doing nothing really. We wrapped up QasF season 1 and watched an episode of Season 2. And then he left.

We also had a fight on Monday, as couples do. Not our first, and after an hour of talking, I don't think it's resolved, but I believe we've come to an understanding. And we both resolved to increase our communication with the other, as that was part of the problem. Well not the major problem, but still, better lines of communication will help things from getting out of control.

And just in case anyone needs visual help, here are the icons.


And now, the photos:

This is Johnnie at the bookstore, his arms full of books (and yes, he has been working out a bit, as evidenced by his larger than usual biceps).

This is Megan and Freddie on the Metro on the way to the Zoo.

This is a little boy sitting on a wall eating a big hamburger just like his daddy next to him. He was being a 'big boy' and all, and trying to be like daddy and just looking real cute doing it.

This little boy in blue, later on, was being held by his mother (this girl I presume is his sister). I was standing behind them in the invertibrates building and we were part of a crowd watching a lobster and waiting for him to be feed a shrimp by the volunteer there. At any rate, they accidently backed into me, the mom excused herself, I said it was okay. But the boy kept looking at me. I pointed to the tank and told him to look, they're going to feed the lobster, but he kept looking at me and smiling. His mom chuckled and tried to get him to look at the tank. She even used her hand to physically move his face back to the tank, but he just moved it back to look at me and smile. he just would NOT look away from me. His mom and I both thought it was funny. When the feeding was over, I waved goodbye and told him to have a fun day and walked off. But when I looked back over my shoulder, he was still looking and smiling. And when I looked back a few second later, he was stll looking, but now he was waving. It was funny, but a bit bizarre.

this, of course, if Megan and Freddie. i think they were both taking photos near the lion/tiger exhibit.

And now, for some of the animals I saw at the zoo:

A brood of otters,

A hippo, almost totally submerged in the water,

A pair of elephants,

A pair of hot man asses in shorts,

The North American Beaver,

A sea lion,

The blonde, long-haired American West Coast surfer,

A seal, playing with a feather in the water,

An example of the Eye Covered American Wife-Beatered Male,

A pair of prairie dogs,

The Inked African-American Wife-Beatered Male,

A meercat. These little guys were adorable, one of them stared at us through the glass for several seconds, checking us out.

All in all, a great weekend, I hope for all involved. This is usually the case, weekends that Freddie is here.


Hold down the fort! I owe somebody a boot to the head. - Booster Gold, JLUnlimited #26


Anonymous said...

That is so cool the way you show a hippo then a young human male then a seal then another young human male. They should show them in their natural habitat sans clothing. I'm sure it would draw more interest.
Hope you and Freddie work things out. It is always the children who suffer.

Anonymous said...

By the way babe, you mixed up your seals and sea lions. the one with the trainer is a gray seal, and the one with the feather is a california sea lion. but i love you anyway.

BirdMadGirl said...

I like the inked male.

And the beaver shot.

But your post is lacking in giraffe content. Giraffe's are my favorite.

(but the inked male is a close second) ;)