Tuesday, September 18, 2007

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 60)...

Too Much Information Tuesday

These come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/.

1. What is one thing a your significant other could do to you to rock your world? Show up here on a surprise visit.
2. Which super power (ability to turn invisible, ability to read people's thoughts, or invulnerability) would you take and why? Reading people's thoughts. Why? Cause firstly, I'd know the truth all the time. No body would be able to lie, or falsely flatter, or cheat on me. And secondly, I'd get to find out if that cute Asian twinkie with a hairthing that could be gay, really is or not, AND I'd also be able to find out if he's into older, fat, hairy, red-headed gay men!
3. Would you rather be tied up or tie someone else up? Why? Definitely tie someone else up. Why would I want to be tied up. Oh, now if you're talking for sexual fun, well, I guess it would depend on my mood.
4. What is your best physical and non physical asset? Physical: my eyes. A beautiful shade of blue. Non-physical: sense of humor.
5. If they were naming new Dwarves beyond the seven what would your name be and why?
Oh this one's easy! Horny!

Bonus: What's the most embarrassing thing you ever bought? I dont know what the most embarrassing thing I ever bought is, but the most embarrassing thing I own is a gift one year, from my Fairy Godfather Mark: A Christmas Macarena Album.


The only thing we consider unacceptable is for you to engage in sexist, racist, or homophobic behavior. If you do, we don't want your as a fan. - Pete Wentz, Fall Out Boy


Bunny said...

Like I told TUG, I'm already Horny Dwark - pick a new one! Or I suppose I can be straight female Horny, TUG can straight male Horny, and you can be gay guy Horny, and now we just need lesbian Horny and we're all set!

Great answers ~ Happy TMI!

h said...

Okay Polt, you win the reward for the MOST embarassing possession. Even if you didn't buy it.

Happy TMI. Take the Troll Poll.

Anonymous said...

A Christmas Macarena Album!!!

Wow. There should be laws against even manufacturing such a thing.

Does Mark not like you?

Happy TMI!!!

Stephen R. said...

I love that we're both Horny Dwarves!!!! Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!

~d said...

Hi Ho Horny Dwarf!

I love your answer to #2...wonder why it didnt cross my mind for it NOT to be sexual??


Have a good day!

Enyo said...

Your eyes are indeed a fantastic shade of blue, they always stand out in your pictures!

and I _loev_ your bonus, good answer!