Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Doctor doctor, you are unkind...

I've had three regular doctors in my life. One for the first 33 years of my life, then when I got his job and changed insurance, I had to get another doctor. She went on maternity leave and then retired after about two year and I've had a third ever since. Plus, I've been seen by numerous other specialists: a guy for my flat feet as a kid, x-ray techs, a nurse practitioner, numerous nurses. I've also had two dentists in my life, and have been to two oral surgeons, as well as an orthadontist, who had about 6 people that worked for him.

And even with the involvement of all those medical personnel, I have never, in my entire life, encountered a physician, or medical person, that was even remotely as hot as this guy.

Which is a good thing. If this is the guy I went to when I was sick, I'd probably be ill a LOT more often. And have numerous problems in the groinal region, I think.


This is just me personal opinion, but I expect you to use it. - my friend Amie

1 comment:

Truthspew said...

Lets see:

I've had two primary MD's in my life. Four different specialists over time (Allergist, ENT, and a couple I can't recall because I was too young.)

I've had three different dentists and have been seeing the latest one for a bit over two years now.

Of course all that is going to change because I'm strongly considering moving out of RI.