Friday, September 21, 2007

Little talk Johnny blew the big score...

Last night, after work Phoenix came by and we went to eat.

We went to Red Robin. One just opened here recently, but I've been to one before. When My Fairy Godfather Mark lived in Virginia, there was one near him, and we went a few times. It's a quirky place, basically it's a gourmet hamburger place. Gourmet in the way that the burgers are larger, and thicker and juicier and tastier than your regular burger. And there's endless fries. Yummy.

Anyway, when we got there we were greated at the door by Tay Tay. yes, that's the name on her tag. I don't know how she pronounced it, but I pronounced it rhyming with Day-Day. And it's my new favorite name ever. I used it all night every opportunity I could get. Tay Tay. *SIGH* And she was one of those perky I'm really too good to work here but I'm doing it anyway type of high school girls. I was not impressed. Strange, that, cause you'd think with a name like Tay Tay, I'd be impressed all to hell and back.

Anyway, I wanted to order a drink, a strawberry daiquiri. the only photo I saw on the menu was of a drink in a big round glass mug thing with fruit on the side. SO i asked the waitress about it and she said, "Well I can put the fruit on if you want." And I said, "No I don't want-" And then I thought about it. i really didn't want the fruit on the side, I didn't want a foofy girlie drink. And then I thought, hey, why not live a little. I'm almost a foofy girlie myself, so why not. So i told her, "Yes, YES, give me a strawberry daiquiri WITH the fruit." And that's what I got. Ate the pineapple slice and cherry while Phoenix when to wash his hands. I also make sure I hadn't lost the talent, and I tied the cherry stem into a knot with my tongue. I didn't say anything to Phoenix, cause I don't think he would have been impressed. And they had seated three grandparently type people at a table close to us, and I saw the one lady watching me do it, and i felt that was enough. i didn't want her stroke out to hear me telling Phoenix.

The meal as I said, was quite good. And afterwards, since there's a Circuit City right next door we went there. And I hit the mother-humping motherload! they had bins there containing boxed DVD sets of TV shows...on SALE! I picked up Season 6 of OZ for 19.99 and Seasons 4, 5, and 6 of The West Wing for 21.99. And ALL of them were originally priced at 49.99. SCORE!

I had to think about it first, cause I wanted to fill out my collection of those series, but I didn't really have the money to spend, even at $20 a pop. But then I realized I was getting them for OVER 50% off, and I really wouldn't be able, probably, to get them all at once for such a low price. Oh, I'm sure I could troll eBay and maybe get one cheapere and one cheaper there, but WHY? Why not just get them all now. So i did.

But I still needed OZ season 5 and West Wing Season 3, and they didn't have them there. So today, over lunch, I went to the local Circuit City, and they had a much smaller selection, but they DID have OZ 5, and WW3!

I'm in prison drama/political drama heaven! In total, the original prices would have cost me $300. I got them all for roughly $130, with tax. SCHWEET!

now I just have to find the time to watch them all......


If I hadn't spent the last few years fellating you, I'd swear you were straight. - Pryor, Angels In America


Bunny said...

Sounds like you need to host an Oz viewing party, after we all go to Red Robin for some yummy, yummy burgers (bleu cheese on mine please!). I'll bring popcorn! If we get you drunk enough, will you demonstrate your masterful tongue skills?

Anonymous said...

Wow you scored! Now as for watching them, wait for a cold winter’s day, set on a pot of coffee, with a fifth of Kailua get a fire going, a blanket and a pillow, and sit down and watch them through. That's what I have done in the past and it is great fun.