Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Think I'll buy me a football team (Week 2)...

TMI Tuesday is a few posts down, if you're looking for it.

Well two of three things worked out for me this week. 1)Dallas won, and is not 2-0. 2) Indianapolis won, so I'm still in the winner's pool at work ($290 at stake). BUT 3) in the bets with Johnnie, I went 1-2.

So, in the bets, it stands at 3-4, and I owe Johnnie a dollar, but that's right now. Things change. Overall, I'm 18-14. Johnnie's 19-13. But again, it's only week two. Things change. And frankly, if I had to choose any of the three to be off on, it would be the bets with Johnnie. I have plenty of time to make up any losses to him. I don't want Dallas to have too many losses, and once I lose in the pool at work, I'm out. So this was the best choice, of the potential bad things that could have happened.


"Every kitchen needs a crucifix." "Nothing says food like a bleeding half-naked Jew nailed to a piece of wood!" - Stewie, The Family Guy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! I love that bumper sticker: 01.20.09 The End of an Error! I've just gotta have one.