Thursday, September 27, 2007

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 76)...

It's time once more for....

This past weekend, my uber-sweet boyfriend, Freddie, came down for a surprise visit. One of the things we did was visit a local zoo, the Catoctin Zoo. It's a small zoo, about a half hours drive from here, up in the mountains. Considering where it's located and that it's a privately owned zoo, it's really quite nice. This was my second visit there with Freddie, and I enjoyed myself there just as much as I do at the big National Zoo in DC. Course, this one costs money to get into while the National Zoo is free, but whatever.

We saw lions, tigers, bears (oh my), flamingos, llamas, alpacas, alligators, monkeys, birds (many different kinds, I can't really differentiate them all, but Freddie can. He's very interested in birds), jaguars, snakes, deer, lemurs, ducks (although I don't think they were part of any exhibit, they were probably just hanging out at the pool there), ostrichs, and so forth. No penguins or zebras, which kinda disappointed me, but whatever...

At any rate, at one exhibit, I took a picture of the reflections of Freddie and I in the glass.

And there we are, in all our reflective, zoo loving glory!

If you wanna see what other people posted, click the HNT button in my sidebar.


He's more liberal than ointment on a hemorrhoid and twice as greasy. - Buxky Katt, Get Fuzzy


Moosekahl said...

I still enjoy going to the zoo as an adult too...looks like you are enjoying yourself. Happy HNT

Vixen said...

That is a cool picture!!!


Anonymous said...

I love to go to the zoo with my son. Glad that you had such a wonderful time.

Happy HNT!

The Ethical Slut said...

We must live right next door to each other! The Catoctin Zoo is minutes from where I work every day!

See, ya just never know!

Great photo! HHNT!

lime said...

clever idea for a shot. i love zoos too, such fun.


~d said...

*can barely see your face, but he looks very happy!
HHNT, Polt.

Lapis Ruber said...

Thos pics are really hard to get just right but you've done it. Happy HNT

Bunny said...

Great picture! That Freddy is so darn cute (and you are too, of course).


Bittersweet said...

a fun day out :) can't be beat

happy HNT

tkkerouac said...

Cool shot, Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Freddie is a bird lover. A man after my own heart. Test to impress Freddie:
1. Largest flying bird? Andean Condor
2. Ivory billed Woodpecker, extinct? Maybe not
3. All birds lay eggs? No only the female ones.
4. Smallest bird? Bee hummingbird of Cuba
5. Which would be best to control pests in your garden, Chickens or Guineas? Guineas, they will not eat any of the vegetables only the bugs.
6. What is unique about a hummingbird? It can fly forward and backward with ease.
7. Why are owls good hunters? They have no barbs on their feathers and can fly silently.
8. What bird did Benjamin Franklin want as the National bird? Turkey.
I hope Freddie will be impressed with your bird knowledge.

Anonymous said...

You should try to go to the St. Louis zoo. It's one of the best in the nation and completely free. I was very impressed by it.


Sexy Duet said...

I'm impressed that you have zoos that are free, I dont think there are any free zoos in Australia.

Mr SD and I like going to the open plains zoo we have near us, you travel around it on a mini bus and drive into the enclosures - kind of like being on a safari.

Happy belated HNT!


S said...

Sorry Im late Polt, I was just um....
Well anyway, "HI, sweet boyfriend! Nice to meet you!"

HHNT Polt, I love zoos, except for zoos in India, nothing could be more depressing...stop me before I start telling you about them.....

SIMPLY ME said...

Great smile on Freddy's face and you're pretty cute yourself. Hey, I have penguins where I work, haha!
Happy VERY late HNT