Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And it was me funding your child support...

California Representative Duncan Hunter was quite angry.

He was so angry over Columbia University's invitation to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he said that if Columbia University allows Ahmadinejad to speak there, that he, Representative Hunter, would lead the crusade to terminate federal funding to Columbia University.

Like most far Right Republican wingnuts, irony is totally lost on him. Can anyone think of any OTHER place where places of higher learning are punished for allowing unpopular and controversal people to speak? Hmm...got to be somewhere else like that....somewhere, like...Oh I don't know...IRAN maybe????

Geez, Duncan Hunter....what a maroon.


Howard, there's a rather alarming mountain heading our way! - Katharine Hepburn, The Aviator

1 comment:

tornwordo said...

So true. With dialogue, solutions can be found. With categorical demonization, it can't.