Wednesday, September 12, 2007

When I was twelve, at summer camp (Part 3)...

12 for the 12th

(september 2007 edition)

6:01 am
I know the clock says 6:35, but I have it set that far ahead (don't ask me why, it's been that way since high school, and now I'm used to it). This is what I saw when the alarm went off. God, I HATE mornings, and I hate that damn alarm even more.

6:08 am
This is my breakfast: Aunt Jemima microwave breakfast consisting of three pancakes and two sausage links, all covered with butter and drenched in syrup, and a cup of orange juice. Great breakfast for a diabetic, I know.

7:04 am

This would be me feeding Miss Cleo. She took just under $30. She's a bit expensive in her upkeep, but she's worth it.

10:33 am
My desk at work. I'm sure you can't tell from the photo, but it is remarkably clean and organized. You should see it on a normal day.

4:08 pm
Stopping to get my weekly comic book fix. this is Atomic Comics, where my pusher, Luke, hooks me up each week.

4:37 pm
As I walked through my backyard, I saw the nieghbor's dog, Devo. I petted him over the fence. Devo is a Whippet, hence the name.

4:40 pm
I left my cellphone at home all day. I felt almost naked without it in my pocket all day. This is my phone, exactly where I left it, with my empty pocket turned inside out.

5:27 pm
My mother had to drop the truck off for it's yearly inspection. I went to pick her up. This is the mechanic's shop.

5:55 pm
After picking her up, we drove to this Mexican restaurant, El Ranchero, and had supper.

7:10 pm

Following the meal, we went to Sam's. I got a membership myself, and we shopped a bit for a few things. This is what we together got.

8:16 pm
After dropping off mom, and returning home, I wanted to get a shower to wash away the day's grit and grime. And this is me of course, drying off.

10:17 pm
And after a full day, I get to settle down with the comic books I bought today and enjoy a good read to two. Or three.


Those cheaters blackened my sugar weiners! - Marge, The Simpsons


Sexy Duet said...

Microwave breakfasts!!! We definately dont have those here and I think thats probably a good thing :)


BirdMadGirl said...

This was a neat post! I loved being a peeping tom in your day :)