Thursday, September 27, 2007

These notes are marked return to sender...

Notes from the Palace:

- Yesterday, the temperature dropped from 92 to 72 degrees in under 10 minutes when a thunderstorm came through. I know it's nothing unusual, but its still pretty wicked to see.

- I've been having some issues dealing with dad's cancer, and being the last in my family, and my own mortality, and a bunch of other emo-like teen-agnst type of shit. And I HATE going through this, but I can't not stop thinking about it. It makes me just blah. And so, yesterday, I didn't feel like doing anything but staying in bed, and that's what I did. From 11:00 tuesday night until 1:00 Wednesday afternoon. BUt when I got up, all this shit was still on my mind, perhaps that why I just want to sleep.

- I thought about it so much, it made me sick to my stomach, and now today...well, I'm spending quite a bit of time on the toilet. It is not fun. Plus I had to take a second day off of work. What bothers me is the work that's been piling up while I've been here....

- there was a HUGE fricking spider that made a web on the front foor to the house. It was as big as a nickel, with it's legs tucked in UNDER it. Oh, hideous. Thankfully, someone got it off the door, web and all.

- I'm watching my DVD sets I bought (what else do I have to do here between toilet visits), and I gotta say, for a drama, OZ is a pretty good, but there ain't no prison in the WORLD that could be run like that one. Course, it is nice when they through the cute guys in 'the hole', buck naked and all.

- Was nice to see Peter back at the end of Heroes. And that's just how he should be: chained to a wall, shirtless, looking all buff...and with a decent haircut.

- Didn't get to see Bionic Woman last night....guess I'll have to pick it up starting next week.

- why do the things that taste the best, have to be the worst for you. Why couldn't vegetables and water taste like candy and Pepsi?

- Got what we call and Indian Summer right now. As I mentioned, it was 92 at one point yesterday, high 80's today, and the humidity has set back in again. I can't WAIT for fall to get here, finally, for good!

- Monday, I got new windshield wipers and took the car to the car cleaners. I got the "Elite" cleaning, which cost 25 bucks, but they have two guys vacuuming it, then it's run through a long tunnel and washed, soaped, washed, and waxed, all while you watch, and then hand dried but four guys with cloths. And they sprayed the scent of my choice (strawberry) inside. I know that's a lot of money for a car wash, but really, i only get Miss Cleo cleaned twice a year anyways. I try to do it around the beginning of Spring and the beginning of summer. Get the oil changed and the tires rotated as well, although I haven't gotten that done yet.

- Because of money issues, Ag and I will not be going to Toronto this year. this is the first year since I first went in 1997 that I won't be going. I believe I've made 14 trips to Toronto in the last nine years. I'll miss it, but we're hoping to go next spring maybe.

- I've gotten my hair colored and cut once a month for probably a decade. I do it to cover the gray that fills my temples if I don't. I have it died red to match the natural color of my goatee. And I've always said I'll stop once I reach 40. 40 is just two months away...I'm not sure if I'm gonna be ready to stop it even then.

- Caught an episode of I Love Lucy not too long ago. One where she and Ethel go to Charm school. I know that stuff was made 50 years ago, and I know I've seen them all before, numerous times, but still, parts of it make me laugh out loud. Those writers were geniuses, and Lucille Ball was a comedic goddess!

- Had blood taken Tuesday for my regular bloodworkup prior to my doctors visit. The nurse that took it was new, but she was by far the best I think I've ever had take it. Just a little prick from the needle and no subsiquent pain at all. Now, I've just got to prepare myself for the doctor's disdain at what I'm sure are no improvements in the results.

- In some alternate universe, women run the show, and have all through history. And in that world, men wear the skimpy clothes, and spend time on looking pretty, and all the fashion magazine show guys in speedos, which is the normal swimwear for any man in any kind of good physical shape. And, it's an alternate universe that I want to visit.

- If dust is made up of cast off skin cells, and you're allergic to the dust in your own home, are you allergic to your own skin?

- I feel like I'm really missing out on something for not having watched Battlestar Galactia all these years.


How am I ever gonna get a girl, I ride around in a garbage truck. - Hellboy


m_o_o_nspells said...

Shit sweetie, now I'm doubly sorry that I let the stupid ex and his stupid g/f make me miss meeting up with you when you were here last year. :o(
And it sucks that you're feeling unwell with everything that's going on. Hang in there...

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are not feeling well, get better soon buddy.


The Persian said...

I agree Peter looked pretty Hawt (Especially chained up hehe)Mohinder is still hotter tho followed by Sylar.

I watched Bionic woman at the insistence of my best friend. Eh.. I'm not feeling it.

*Hugs* and Happy HNT!

Sexy Duet said...

I hope your mind is a little more at rest and you are feeling better.

I happened to flick channels the other night and came across a show that looked interesting. I really enjoyed it and then realised when it finished it was OZ. It is on an obscure channel here so I have no idea how long it has been on but I had never heard of it before your blog.

I will have to try and find it on dvd here.