Sunday, September 30, 2007

Its not a game its a party thing...

As you know, I've been feeling a bit down lately. A bit emotionally down, and a bit physically ill. And I was sick of it all, so I needed to do something to pick myself up. And what better way to do that than to...THROW A PARTY!

And so I did. Of course, I had to invite my best girl, AG. And she took most of these photos. And also, this party is something of an homage to my idol, Craiggers over at Puntabulous.

"Hey, there! Welcome to my party come on in!"

"Why, Ag, you're always right on time. And how sweet of you. You KNOW I love Asti!"

"Is that an arrow in your quiver, Legolas, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Why no, Anakin, I did not know that a light saber can double as a sexual device."

"AHHHHH, the entertainment's here! It's N'Sync! OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGodohmyGod!!!"

"I've never noticed Wonder Woman's legs, Superman, but have you seen Aquaman's swimmer's build???"

"Here, Some Random Model Named Daniel, let me help you with the wet towel..."

"Listen, Green Arrow, I'm sure Legolas did not mean to insult the size of your bow, DID you Legolas?"

"I know, Supermodel Joel West, I thought they'd be gone by now too. But just wait here, and I'll be in as soon as I can!"

"Oh dear GOD, that Anakin sure does like to go on and on and on about the size of his lightsaber, doesn't he guys?"

"Flash, I hope you're not the 'Fastest Man Alive' in everything you do. BWAHAHA"


...Ah, so THAT'S where Legolas went after I passed out...hmm.....


Remember, every devil was an angel once. - Father Donnelly, Shadowpact #4


Truthspew said...

And with a tie! I just worked in a job where it would have been nice had I worn a tie but I wasn't management so a button down shirt and decent slacks were the norm.

Now I'm looking at a job in academia. My wardrobe will consist of jeans and pullover shirts with the occasional button down shirt. And in summer, shorts and a t-shirt.

I love doing IT in academia.

Bunny said...

ROTFLMFAO!!! Hilarious Polt & Ag (& Leggie & Flash & Supie & Green Arrow & Anakin. . .)

BTW, you clean up nice!

Anonymous said...

Oh man what a party! Everyone who was anyone seemed to be there.
