Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I can make it all match up, I can hold my own...

Got this from StephenRader's blog. You all should take it as well and let me know you're answers. It's only 11 questions. C'mon, take it, you know you want to!

Hillary Clinton
Score: 47
Stem-Cell Research
Health Care
Social Security
Line-Item Veto
Death Penalty
Barack Obama
Score: 47
Stem-Cell Research
Health Care
Social Security
Line-Item Veto
Death Penalty

-- Take the Quiz! --

I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, eh? What's disturbing to me, is that the person I match up with least is Tom Tancredo, only got a 1, and that's okay. But apparently i agree WITH him on Immigration! Ew. I definitely need to rethink my opinion on that issue!

Right now, I'm supporting John Edwards, but I only got a 42 in my matchup with him. I matched higher with Chris Dodd (46) and Dennis Kucinich (46). Maybe I need to rethink my support of him as well.

Ah well, the election is still over a year away. And my state's primary is still more than 8 months away, so I have plenty of time to make up my mind.

POLT Oil: 79.28 (-.11_; gas: 2.78 (-)

Don't buy your decor at Long John Silver's anymore. - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


BirdMadGirl said...

Interesting quiz :) *and I love Stephen Rader's blog =)

My results:
Edwards - 35
Clinton - 32
Obama - 32
Richardson - 29
Giuliani - 28
Dodd - 27
Biden - 26
Kucinich - 23
Romney - 22
Gravel - 20
McCain - 17
(everyone else is under 15...)

Anonymous said...

Scored 52 with Edwards, only disagreement was the line item veto.
Scored 47 with both Clinton and Obama (scary) with disagreement for both on line item veto and immigration.

Kind of what I expected. I worry only that issues with Edwards wife will impact him at some point.

Fairy Godfather.

Truthspew said...

Mine is pretty consistent, but them I'm an extreme left wing liberal.

Kucinich: 53
Dodd: 49
Gravel: 49
Clinton: 46
Obama: 46
Richardson: 46
Edwards: 43
Biden: 42
Paul: 24
Giuliani: 22
Romney: 18
McCain: 13
Brownbak: 13
Hunter: 10
Gilmore: 10
Tancredo: 10
Huckabee: 3
Thompson: 3

I don't think Kucinich has a snowballs chance in hell though.
I'd really like to see Mike Gravel get it though.

Enyo said...

Hrm...interestingly enough I tied up at 38/38 on Hilary and Obama...