Thursday, September 27, 2007

The things around your head and what they do to you...

HNT is a little lower.
This is Bill Clinton's response to the Republicans over-reaction to the MoveOn.Org ad on General Petraeus.

God, is there anyway I can vote him back into the White House??? I'd do it in a heartbeat. If Hillary gets the nomination, I hope she unleashes him, just lets him run loose in the media, calling out the liars, cheaters, and cowards in the Republican Party as the liars, cheaters, and cowards they are!

POLT Oil: 82-20 (+2.92); Gas: 2.77 (-.01)

"Herb didn't want me to check it first?" "He didn't." "He's a little turd." "I'll tell him." - Margaret, The West Wing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when Clinton gets his righteous indignation going, he is wonderful.
