Thursday, December 06, 2007

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 86)...

Yes kids, once more it's time for...

As many of you know, Susie has shown on her blog this pink polka-dotted robe.

But over time, I have heard her bad mouth this poor defenseless, albeit ugly, robe. She was ignoring all the nights it kept her warm and fuzzy, all the times it kept the chills away, and all the conversations that were started about it. She cared only for the outside, the skin deep, the look of the robe. I was surprised and dismayed at her shallowness and callowness. I felt it was time to give that robe a better home. A place where it would be appreciated.

And after a short but fierce struggle, the robe has a new home.

Now that I see it up close......yes it does take on a new level of hideousness....

Unfortunately, the slippers could not be liberated.
Check out Os's Place for some more HNT's!


Listening to "Dancing Queen" by ABBA


Kittie Kate said...

The robe looks warm!
Happy HNT!

S said...

Yes, I am the dancing queeennnn
feel the beat from the tambourine
oh yeah
you can dance
you can jive
having the time of your life
oooh ohh ohh
see that girl
(shake that thing)
diggin the dancing queen...

What are they really saying there instead of shake that thing?
LOL Im up everyone come over and see the second half of this post!

HHNT Polty, be warm and Happy Birthday again!

Osbasso said...

Ha! What a great HNT!

techymike said...

That robe certainly does look cozy, even if it's not my color!

Happy HNT!

Blissfully Wed said...

You guys are awesome!

No frumpy robes on sexy Susie. Thanks for stripping her of all of that covering. ;)

lime said...

ROFLMAO!! what an epic struggle. i LOVE the look of joy mixed with victory and comfort in your pic. i have a gahstly pink robe i'd like to replace, but it has no fun polka dots. it's just a dreary dusty pink, blech.

do enjoy your newly liberated robe.

HHNT ya nut!

Bunny said...

Looking good in the pink polka dots! I think you need the slippers too, though.


Lapis Ruber said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so I suppose that somewhere in the world there is a beholder who thinks that robe is just beautiful. ... I'm just not sure.. but thanks for giving it a good home :-)
Happy HNT.

Blue said...

I agree with Bunny. The slippers MUST be liberated!!!


Happy HNT :)

Mark Leslie said...

LOL! What a hilarious collaboration! Looking forward to your plan to liberate those slippers! Happy HNT!

S said...

No NO NO You will NOT get the slippers!

tkkerouac said...

Ok, this is hilarious
Do you live with Susie and Mr.Rathburn???
Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

Gee, I thought you only liked purple things. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

That is so guys crack me up :)

Anonymous said...

Polt, you look stunning, stunning I say in that robe. One thing you just gotta get those slippers!
S in the song Dancing Queen the words are instead of shake that thing they are saying "See that girl, young and free, you are the dancing queen."
Polt, you do need a Tiara and a scepter. ED

S said...

Thanks ED! I was too lazy to look up those words myself.

I'll tell you what Polt, if you personally come to San Francisco I will give you the slippers. I am certain San Francisco will enjoy you.

Oh sir, I am having so much fun romping around the HNTs of you Ratburn and myself, and watching people get a LITTLE bit confused!

I want more pictures of Polty in the robe, what do you say folks?