Saturday, April 19, 2008

A desktop globe, exit wound in a foreign nation...

Just finished watching the second season finale of Torchwood. In case there's anyone out there who may have TIVOed or taped it and haven't watched it yet, I just have three things to say about it.

1. Oh.
2. My.
and 3. God.

Okay, well I have two other things to say:

1. I had tears in my eyes as the show ended.
2. Jack's brother Gray is QUITE the hottie!

Oh, and one more thing I suppose:

1. I can not WAIT to see new episodes!!!!!!!

POLT Listening to "Like A Prayer" by Madonna

Neither in French nor in English nor in Mexican. - George W. Bush, declining to answer questions in any of those languages.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I caught the last episode about two weeks ago. They pop up on the net faster than they go on the air. Wonder how THAT happens.

Anyhow, I too cannot wait for the new season to start. Of course it'll be a bit different, we don't know if Owen is a write off yet, we know Toshiko is though.

Scooter said...

I'm still in Season 1....but OMG, I love it!