Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Two people, red and flustered, we just kissed and that's about it...

Today at work, I was talking with a friend of mine. He's a good guy, a cool guy, fun to be around. He's also about 24 or so, and I think he's cute, but that's really neither here nor there.

At any rate, we were sitting around talking and he said he had this video game I'd love to play. I told him I didn't play video games. He says, "You don't play video games? Really?" I replied really. And he says, "Polt, you suck."

Without missing a beat I said, "Why yes I do. And quite well I'm told." then I laughed and asked what the video game was. He just sat in the chair and looked at the floor, and got red, and kinda sputtered a bit. He laughed nervously and said, "I don't really know what to say after that." And then we both laughed.

I've said things like that to him before, and he gets all flustered each and every time. And it's so funny. And cute. He really was flustered. I had to ask him three times what the game was, and, actually, I still don't know what the name was.

He's okay with me being gay. But I don't think he's known anyone gay before and he's not used to hearing someone say those things. He certainly isn't used to hearing ME say them. I don't have many opportunities to say things like that, we're rarely alone. but when we are, and when i can work them into conversation, I love doing it, just to watch his reactions.

POLT Listening to "What Do I Get" by The Buzzcocks

Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.


Blissfully Wed said...

That's funny. It's hard to imagine anyone getting flustered by a comment like that nowadays.

Stephen R. said...

Keep up the great work. Our PC world needs moments where people make a joke and acknowledge the pink elephant in the room!!

I just hope some straight guy will give me that kind of set up so I can use your line. It's brilliant!