Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's sick and it's your fault, this is the end...

Today I filled up my gas thank and I had to pay $3.35 a gallon for it. That’s the most I ever had to pay, and I am none too happy about it. I was just going to let all this go, not say this cause I didn’t want to step on any toes, butcha know, now I’m pissed, and I’m just gonna say it.

Unless you were actively against the invasion of Iraq 5 years ago, either by protesting against it, or contacting your Congressman, or even just talking out against it to your friends, then this is YOUR fault. If you actively supported the invasion, either by rallying for it, contacting your Congressman or even just talkin out in favor of it with you friends OR if you said or did nothing, thus giving your tacit approval to the invasion, then, in either case, this it YOUR fault.

And my God, if you actually voted FOR George W. Bush in 2004, thus giving him and his incompetent corrupt administration 4 more years to continue all this, in that case, you are specifically especially to blame. It is YOUR fault!

It is YOUR fault that gas is now the highest it’s ever been.
It is YOUR fault that we’ve lost over 4000 of our youngest, best and brightest in the middle of the desert, which doesn’t even include all the thousands that have been maimed and injured there, and who’s lives will be adversely affected until they die.
It is YOUR fault that we have bankrupted our nation, with unnecessary war spending, obscene tax cuts to the Americans with the most money already, and borrowing of further huge sums of money to give out to us in this insane economic stimulus deal.
It is YOUR fault we continue to have our military personnel inadequately armed and armored, deny them adequate downtime home with their families and provide them with substandard medical treatment and facilities.
It is YOUR fault that Al Queda, who was kept out of Iraq by Saddam Hussein, now has a base and are firmly entrenched in the center of the Arab world.
It is YOUR fault that due to our invasion there, we’ve done more to increase the membership of Al Queda and similar organizations than they could ever hope to have gained on their own.
It is YOUR fault that we have squandered our young, our treasury, our future (in more ways than one) on this illegal invasion of a soverign nation, and subsequent quadmire that occured as a direct result of that invasion.

It is YOUR fault. I hope YOU are happy with the results of YOUR actions. Think of that the next time you fill up your tank. And remember that in November, when it comes time to cast your ballot.

POLT Listening to "Flounders Mashups" on DC101 Online

You took an oath to defend our flag, and our freedom, and you kept that oath underseas and under fire. - George W. Bush


Anonymous said...

You should file a class action lawsuit or something....yeah?

By the way I don't remember the last time I filled up my gas tank. I put $20 in about every 10 days or so (it will be more frequent as we get towards $4/gallon) and my little 16 yr old clutch Mazda still gets close to 28 mpg in the city. I haven't had it on the highway in a long time (nowhere to go) but it gets over 30 mpg on the highway. Gosh I have no idea how much it would cost to fill my gas tank.

My syster fills of the Suburban or whatever it is every weekend so they can go up to the cottage. I think she said it cost around $80. Whew, the things I could do with $80 but around here I'd really have to search for anything except for some good food.

Furry Godfather.

Unknown said...

Meh, gas is $3.64 here. It sucketh and just full of crap that we are paying this much at all.

Bunny said...

Not my fault! I voted against Bush both times and I have protested the war from day 1.

Gas just came down to $3.43 here, so I put in $40 worth today! It was $3.49 all week. We were waiting for it to come down and tried to push what we had as far as it would go - and we found out where that limit was on Friday! We ran out of gas about 15 yards from the gas station. OMG - I haven't been that embarrassed since I stopped getting drunk on a regular basis. A couple guys helped Spousehole push the MommyVan the rest of the way to the gas station, where we promptly put in $20. I told the husband "No more 'How far can we go on a tank' experiments!" We won't fill the tank (it's 26 gallons, for goodness' sake!), but we won't run it on empty for days either. :-(

Anonymous said...

You missed a few things there Polt. There is increased demand for gasoline in China and India. So that puts pressure on prices.

However, the U.S. strategic reserve is pretty much at capacity and they've found a deposit of oil in the Bakken area of N.D. and S.D. It's got anywhere from 200 billion to 500 billion barrels of oil underneath it.

The reason they didn't think of tapping it until now is because it require horizontal drilling. And the technology to do that exists now, particularly at $100 a barrel.

I NEVER voted for Bush, NEVER supported going into Iraq.

I knew what Bush was during the elections of 2000.

But here's my proposal, since things are supposedly going so swimmingly in Iraq, lets start pulling out our troops and let the Iraqi's do the job.

Then take a couple hundred billion off the military budget and put it into an R&D program for energy self-sufficiency.

Anonymous said...

I haven't hear anything brought up about this yet, and I know that many military are going to stay military when we pull them out of Iraq, but exactly how high will unemployment go when the rest of them are welcomed back and there are no jobs waiting for them??

The economy already sucks. What is it these reservists and other non-permanent military will be coming back to? I haven't heard any of the presidential nominees speaking about these issues.

Just sayin......

Furry Godfather.