Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sometimes people say one thing and mean another...

I have to laugh at the sheer, bald faced hypocracy of the far right wingnuts on talk radio.

These are the people who whine and complain about how the big, nasty, evil federal government is the be-all and end-all of every single problem they can think of. How 'it' is just waiting out there to snatch away our every liberty and right and waiting, anxious, to pounce on use like a stalking cat would an unsuspecting innocent little mouse.

What makes me laugh first and foremost is that for four solid years, from 2002 to 2006 they, the right wings nut controlled the government...ALL of it! They had both houses of Congress, they had the White House and they had the Supreme Court. The only things they didn't have was some moderation in the views of Justice O'Connor and filibuster proof majority in the Senate. But other than that, it was all theirs. To do with as they wished.

They could have instituted a whole horde of programs designed to show how 'compassionate conservatism' (on oxymoron if there ever was one) was better than anything before it. Instead, what did they do? Invaded another nation that had never attacked us, had no means to attack us, and never said they were going to attack us. Plus, they spent their time making laws that affected only brain dead citizen and taking decisions about her care away from her next of kin, gutted habeus corpus, trampled all over the right of privacy, and were riddled with corrution (remember Jack Abramoff, Scooter Libby, and Alberto Gonazalez?) and incompetance ("doing a heck of a job, Brownie.") . So, for so many problems they have, they really have no one but themselves to blame.

However, what I heard recently almost brought me to tears laughing. Remember now, these are the people telling us that big government...hell, ANY government is bad, and it needs to just get out of our way.

Except....when the samonilla scare from tomatos was in full gear, I heard one of the wingnuts take the FDA to task for not doing their job of proper inspections. And another wingut got to the airport about 11:00 in the morning and did not get to his house unitil about 2:00 the next morning because they had to sit hours on the plane on the runway. My sweet Lord, did he go into fits over that one, demanding that the government do something to get these airlines more efficient. And just today, one was talking about some run on a bank, and he had found out that the FDIC insures only $100,000 of your cash in each bank, and after that, according to him, they give you 50 cents on the dollar. And he was all in a tizzy over this. How can the government only insure $100,000????? from my point of view, I'm never gonna have $100,000 in the bank, so it's no concern of mine. And I do somehow end up with more than that, I'll just put it in more than one bank. I certainly won't expect the government to insure all my money.

But to hear these guys go on and on about how the government is the problem, except when it comes to the food they eat, or the airline they fly on or their money, that's okay, mind you, it just makes me laugh.

I wish they could hear themselves and how silly and stupid they sound.

POLT Listening to "Radio, Radio" by Elvis Costello Oil: 138.65 (-6.36); Gas: 4.00 (+.02)

I think if you know what you believe in, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question. - George W. Bush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And if you go strictly by the numbers, federal employment is WAY up under the Bush presidency than under Clintons. In fact under Clinton the federal government actually shrank.

Imagine that. I think a more accurate assessment of the neo-cons is they don't want big government to benefit all the people, just them and their friends.