Friday, July 11, 2008

Always had a sweet tooth, for the devil's candy...

So apparently there are these...thongs they make for girls to wear that are nothing more than those strings with candy on them we ate as a kid. Albeit, strung together in a different way, like, in the shape of a thong.

There would be no reason in the world I'd even want know about this, and normally, I'd care even less, except that, apparently, GUYS like to wear these too. Probably as a joke. But they wear them when their friends are around...with cameras. And then the results get posted on the Innernets for all the world, or at least me, to see. And now so can you.

I don't understand why some straight guy would want to wear one of these at all, much less around friends...with cameras. But hey, I'd damn glad they do!

POLT Listening to "Poses" by Rufus Wainwright

Grace, you're stuffed in a box, getting rid of anal plaque. Face it, your party is a bust. - Karen, Will & Grace


Stephen R. said...

Candy thongs, men and alcohol. It don't get no better than that. :)

Anonymous said...

Is this some kind of new phenomenon? I didn't even know they made candy thongs! Jeez, where have I been?