Thursday, July 03, 2008

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 116)...

Once again, kids, it's time for....

Several years ago (twenty, actually), when Uncle Polt was younger (much younger), he owned a Chevy Camaro. 1988, blue, chicks-dig-it (not that that mattered to me), speed limit ignoring, Chevy Camaro. No T-top though. I've got a picture of it somewhere around here, but that's not the point of this post.

Ownership of that vehicle made it obvious just how frickin' cool I was. Cause as we all know, ONLY really really cool twenty year old dudes own Camaros. And Trans Ams too. But just in case anyone missed just how incredibly cool I was (and to insure they knew that I knew I was cool), I had to have one accessory. Couldn't leave the house without it. Especially if I was going to be driving the Camaro, but even if I wasn't, I wanted everyone who saw me to bask in my coolness. Or at least see just how cool I was and to be envious of me for it.

What was said accessory? A pair of these babies!

These gloves and that car made me cool. What a fool. What a tool. Youth is, as they say, wasted on the young.

I don't have the Camaro anymore, got rid of that in like 1993. But for some reason I've still got the glvoes. Go figure. And no, I don't wear them any more.

Anyway, to see what some people less pretentious than a twenty year old Polt, click HERE.

POLT Listening to "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" by Elton John

Well this is bad on so many levels. - Sam Seaborn, The West Wing


Anonymous said...

Dude! I so have those. I wear them when I drive my Bullitt. They seem to make you go faster, eh? HHNT!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Hey, driving gloves are *classic*. I need to get me a pair--though I think I'll stick with no-holes-plain-leather-types. :)

Happy HNT!

Vixen said...

LOL That's awesome!


Lapis Ruber said...

I had a pair of driving gloves too - totally unnecessary considering I was driving a 950cc Morris Mini at the time. How my friends must have laughed! Happy Fourth and Happy HNT.

Anonymous said...

I agree. You were overflowing with coolness. Happy HNT.

Jason said...

LOL... right on, HHNT.

MarcelloNYC said...

I had the gloves with out the cool car - lol!


Anonymous said...

D00D! I was 16 and had a 1976 Pontiac Trans Am. The car was brown with the gold bird on the hood, the hood scoop, the 455 and the 4 speed.

I had it for about a year until I realized that tires were EXPENSIVE!

That car could burn serious rubber though. How I miss the days of cheap gas.

Bunny said...

My husband wears some of those while driving the minivan - lol! When I was cooler than cool I drove a 1967 Mustang that my dad and I restored. Never had the driving gloves though. More than 1 guy I dated said he first started dating me just so he could drive my car.


Greg and Sheryl said...

You drove a bitchin' Camero? You're just too cool for us! Happy HNT!

JW said...

We're all allowed to make mistakes like that when we were young ;) Still, I made worse in my time!

Happy HNT, sir!

Lil Bit said...

Kick-ass driving gloves!!

... and BEAUTIFUL peacock -- hope your friend figures out what to FEED it! LOL

HHN4th! =)

Anonymous said...

I have a thing for gloves. These are making my heart beat a little faster. I'm publicly declaring my love for those gloves.

S said...

Hey Polty!