Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Take it to the runway (Part 3)...

Welcome everyone to the first edition of:

A Project Runway Rundown, from a gay man and a straight man perspective.
(Thanks to Dave S. for the super-cool banner!)

And away we go...

Dave S.: Okay, so let me first run it down from the drama side. Oh, wait, there wasn't any. They even really had to work at making Stella's pounding into something interesting.Speaking of Stella. She looks like something from a Tim Burton movie. Rumor is that she pulls the legs off spiders so she can glue them to her eyes. She's grating, inarticulate, and just plain irritating. What's worse: She does it without being entertaining -- breaking the cardinal rule of being the designated reality show bitch.
POLT: Very little drama, although even though I've said it before, and I will continue to say it as long as I have to, Suede needs to stop referring to himself in the third person. It wasn't funny or cute the first time he used it, it's not funny or cute the third time he uses it in the third episode either! And about Stella, I thought she might be this season's Sweet P, but tonight two words came to mind: Nasal and Whiney.

Dave S.: I'm crushing on the majorly cute Leanne. She's just so damn adorable. But I have to tell you that I'm liking Keith more and more. He seems to have it together. He's even-keeled and appears to know what he's doing. He just needs to do it better. We'll see if he's learned a thing or two from tonight's challenge.
POLT: Speaking of cute, we got to see Blayne in shorts, Jarell in just a towel and Keith in a wife beater. Say what you will about Blayne's irritatingness, Jarell's arrogance, and Keith's...tattoos (?) but all three of them are cute. Nice to have some eye candy on the show, even nicer when they highlight them. And I was worried for Keith, because they did a lot of talking about his background and thoughts and stuff, and traditionally, that's the death knell for a contestant.

Dave S.: Best line from tonight's show comes from Daniel: "Can you lift your boob up a little?"
POLT: Oh I forgot that one! I was stuck on Tim trying to say "Holla atcha boy!" It's a dumb saying, really, but watching Tim try to wrap his tongue around it: just hiLARious! And was there any doubt about the Text Vote 's result? I was suprised 13% of the voters thought it was a good new catchphrase. OH, and speaking of Daniel, remember his comment about being sad Wesley left? I read online that Wesley and Daniel are now a couple and working together. Oh, they're so cute together...or I imagine they would be, as I've not acutally seen them together on the show anytime....

Dave S.: Now to the runway. Let's talk top three and bottom three.
POLT: *Snicker* you said top and bottom....Before we get to the garments, I have to ask, what is up with Sandra Bernhardt? She's looking even more grizzled than ever. Somehow, when I see her, I imagine her squinting one eye and looking just like Popeye...but that's just me. Oh and when have we ever heard NINAGARCIA turn down the opportunity to say something?

Dave S.: Kenley - I thought this dress was bulbous and looked more like a hot-air balloon that a cocktail dress. Hm...let's make a woman look really hippy with a big butt -- they all love that! Uh, yeah, not so much. Winner? I have to disagree with the judges on this one.
POLT: I'm right there with ya man. First things I wrote down was "80's shoulders, way too hippy" UGH. I can NOT beliEVE she won this week. It's a travesty.

Dave S.: Terri - Not bad, but the cut wasn't overly exciting. The flow of the outfit was nice, but the fabric was not right for the cut, in my opinion. I felt there were better designs on that runway.
POLT: I wrote, "flowing, hip, fine, but not the best".

Dave S.: Leanne - Awesomely perfect. The lines were great and the skirt was absolutely amazing and creative. I was worried about what she would do for the top to compliment it, but she pulled it off beautifully. The judges missed the boat. This was the clear winner in my book.
POLT: I'm with you again totally on this one. I wrote one word "Awesome!" and underlined it twice. It was classy, well made, elegant, and actually was a great representation of her photo.

Dave S.: Now for the bottom three...
Keith - Keith, Keith, Keith. What were you thinking? Tim even told you to keep an eye on the shape. Listen to Tim, Keith. LISTEN. Tim knows more than you. And he doesn't wear an overly wide bandana. *Listen to him!* This was a creative vision that just didn't work. There was no shape. Ya gotta see boobs and hips, dude. Boobs and hips. Remember that.
POLT: These skinny anorexic models HAVE boobs and hips??? I haven't seen many. But you're dead on, there was no form. And it did look sloppy. I did think it looked like his photo, but it was rather...unorganized. Still, i didn't think it was deserving of being in the bottom three.

Dave S.: Emily - My first reaction was "Ick." Tim called it an oversized corsage and he was dead on. An oversized corsage that was threatening to strangle the model and use her as a host for its ruffley, multi-colored brood. The judges *did* get this one right. Out out out.
POLT: The dress, sans the ruffle, I thought was fine. The ruffle was misplaced and just kinda jumped out in your face. But I don't think it was the worst on the runway. I in fact liked Jennifer's much less. I liked Kenley's less as well, as she won! I'm not upset to see Emily go, cause I wasn't overly impressed with her, but I don't know that she deserved to go for this one.

Dave S.: Jennifer - Matronly is right. There's really nothing more to add. This was my choice as the worst, but with Emily so close to being equally bad, I'm willing to forgo complaining about it.
POLT: I liked this one the least. Matronly is the only word for it. It was unflattering, unexciting, and uninspired. Bad all around.

Dave S.: Oh, and I think Keith saved Blayne's ass from being in the bottom three. What the hell was that mess?
POLT: well, ya know, I liked the colors on his dress...but since it was like rainbowed themed, that may just be the gay in me showing.

Surprisingly, we both agree on who we thought was best over all: Leanne, and who we thought was worst over all: Jennifer (in fact, Dave S. said it best: That matronly mess was vomit-worthy. Though Stella's dull, Kmart-biker outfit was in the running). But the judges disagreed. Pfft, what do they know?

Next week: the designers go somewhere ginomous but uninspiring. NINAGARCIA's ego perhaps?

PS, thanks Dave S., I enjoyed this! This'll be fun over the next several weeks!

POLT Listening to "Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)" by Pink Floyd

Bad dragon! Bad! - Starman, JSA #4


Anonymous said...

I agree with both of you. I think that Leanne should have won and Jennifer should have lost. I also think that Stella's was boring and done a hundred times before.

Anonymous said...

And where were all the studs she was hammering?! I don't even remember seeing any.

[insert quip from Polt about "hammering studs" here]. ;-)

Polt said...

I did mention that Daniel and Wesley were a couple, right? I'm sure one or the other of them is hammering a stud....lucky sod.

[right, like i'm going to let an opportunity like that pass]


Anonymous said...

Let's just hope they're not as loud as Stella... :-P

hoteltuesday said...

I agree with you guys on the winner and loser situation as well.

And I actually love Stella. How cute was it when she couldn't understand the camera, the printer, or the FABRIC STORE! She's amazing.

And as for being cute, I think Wesley and Keith are cute, but Wesley's gone...

Blayne?!?! He is as ugly as his dress last night, which was just THE SAME DRESS FROM LAST WEEK with more ugly colors on the side. Bad.

Anonymous said...

I gotta agree with you on the Blayne thing, Nicky -- he's a homely dude. That bizarre, Star-Trek-alien jaw of his is really distracting...

And that from the straight guy. :-P

Anonymous said...

I agree with you both about the winners and losers. Leanne's skirt was amazing, and the top was perfect with it.

And Stella does pound studs loudly.

I'm not at all into fashion, but this show was my guilty secret 2 years ago, though I only watched it one season. But "hearing you talk about it over at Craigs place reminded me how fun it is.

Anonymous said...

"Stella pounds studs loudly": That would make a great t-shirt. :-D

Polt said...

Stella pounds studs loudly...BWAHAHAH, LOVE it. :)

I agree, guys, that Blayne is...unique looking. But the small, petite, twinkie boy thing is just up my alley. The burnt seinna tan and the "licious" things have GOT to go though.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you both for the most part. I would have chosen Leanne for the winner as that dress Kenley made looked like an off brand Nagel painting from 1983. (plus, there is an attitude there I'm not sure I like).

I liked Terri, Daniel and Kelli's as well. Keith is growing on me as is Joe, but I want to see more of what they can do.

I'm not a fan of his, but Jerell surprised me, his dress looked very well made.

And lastly, if I hear one more self referred "Suede" or another liciouscized word, I am going hunting.

Oh, and best line of the episode: Tim Gunn:"I'm still wet."