Monday, July 28, 2008

One day she used my toothbrush to clean the toilet...

(This post dedicated to Tornwordo)

Today, I was at mom's. This was one conversation:

Mama Polt: Where are you going?
Polt: I have to poop.
Mama Polt: Don't mess up my toliet, I just cleaned it this morning.
Polt: Don't mess up the toilet?
Mama Polt: Yeah, I just cleaned it this morning.
Polt: Um, what should I do, shit in the sink?
Mama Polt: You know what I mean.
Polt: No, honestly I don't. And frankly, right now I don't care cause if we continue this any further, you're gonna have to be cleaning these nice clean stairs again.

I love her to pieces, but honestly, sometimes, she's just so blonde!

POLT Listening to "A Common Disaster" by The Cowboy Junkies

A world superpower had occupied a weak, deblitated Arab country of 22 million and is now fighting a low grade guerilla war against insurgents opposed to your occupation. And if this low grade war has so strained our armed forces, then we'd better make sure we don't go to war with Iran and North Korea. - Charley Reese, Nov 18, 2004


Anonymous said...

She meant leave it the way you found it.

Furry Godfather.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mama Polt. Sometimes when I am finished cleaning a bathroom I put a big x on the door so that my husband does not use it. (If company is coming over.) He can mess up a perfectly clean bathroom in 2 seconds.
