Friday, July 11, 2008

Well, i've got two lovers and i ain't ashamed...


Apparently while he was still married to his first wife Barack Obama was cheating on her with the woman who was to become his second wife.

Although Obama's adultery has been public knowledge but virtually ignored by the press what makes matters far worse and what will surely be responsible for a major press firestorm and Obama's eventual withdrawal from the presidential race is that he apparently committed bigamy — and fraud — after he fraudulently secured a marriage license while he was still legally married to his first wife the Los Angeles Times reports today .

Oh, wait.

It wasn't Obama who was the bigamist and adulterer, it was John McCain.

Never mind.

{As a side note — can you imagine the press reaction to a disclosure like this if it were, in fact, Obama who had lied on his marriage application and was still married to his first wife when he was issued his marriage licence for his second wife?

It'll be interesting to see how much coverage the MSM gives this. My guess? Not so much. But come Sunday and the talking head shows we will most certainly be treated to nonstop tut tutting over Jesse Jackson wanting to cut Barack's nuts off.}
This lovely bit of 'gotcha' came from Scott over at Bill In Exile. Love him, love his blog. And he's so right about this: were this Obama, well, there'd be much wringing of hands, gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes. Since it's McCain, eh, there'll be nary a peep. just you wait and see.

POLT Listening to "Don Giovanni" by Mozart

George, there's a fetus riding our dog! - Laura, That's My Bush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's the Family Values candidate, so all of that unsavoriness seems about right...