Monday, July 14, 2008

We watch movies, go online, under strict parental guidance...

Recently, John McCain gave the following quote:

"I am learning to get online myself, and I will have that down fairly soon, getting on myself. I don't expect to be a great communicator, I don't expect to set up my own blog, but I am becoming computer literate to the point where I can get the information that I need."

Hmm, well, welcome to the 20th Century, Senator. Unfortunately, we're 8 years into the 21th Century now, but you're pretty close. Or actually WILL be pretty close, as, even according to you, you're not quite there yet.

People. People, people, today's world, where EVERYTHING is run by computer, and all the information you could ever need is at your fingertips, do we really, I mean REALLY, want a guy to be leading us into the future who can't even check his own email? Or do a Google search? Or...or, even jsut GET online, for God's sake?

Is it too much to ask that I expect of my nation's leader to be able to do something so integral, so ubiquitous, so party of our nation's consciousness? Something that even my 7 year old cousin Lexi can do with ease?

We're not talking about setting the time on the VCR, we're talking about getting online. ONLINE! *SIGH*....only in America. If this guy is elected, we will, as the saying goes, get the government we deserve.

POLT Listening to "Smack My Bitch Up" by Prodigy

I may not be prefect, but some parts of me are excellent!


Anonymous said...

I've been knee deep into computer since I was 13, which means 30 years now.

I'm not afraid of technology at all. On one job interview I explained that when the palm rest containing the trackpad on my laptop went bad I ordered the parts, opened the computer and replaced it myself and everything worked afterward. Even told him that I had no spare parts and that I had pictures.

Had to go to my flickr site and show him. He was definitely impressed.

Every computer I've run across runs better because I know how to keep Windows in tune. You really don't have to tune Linux.

Anonymous said...

My mom who is 70 is online. What is McCain's problem?


Anonymous said...

Oh...What?.....You think Bushwack knows how to get online or even has an e-mail account that he accesses himself??

I would bet money that he doesn't.

Fairy Godfather.

Anonymous said...

I hate that McCain ever got this far in the election. I really used to like him, and I'm trying to hang on to that, but his taking a hard right turn is souring me on him.

As to getting online, I have a harder time working the fax machine. I keep pressing the copy button instead of fax...