Thursday, July 31, 2008

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 120)...

It's time once again for....

Since 2000, I've been diagnosed as a diabetic. I'm trying to manage it with diet and exercise, and when I say manage, I mean do neither. I also take a whole horde of pills to help combat it.

Several times a year, I have to get bloodwork done. They stick me with a needle,
withdraw two tubes, then have me pee in a jar. I then go to the doctor about a week later and have him tell me how I'm not improving. He keeps threatening me with the insulin shots, but we'll see.

At any rate, none of this is really the point of this week's HNT, just some background. This week, I had to go in and get the blood taken. Normally, when they're done, they put some gauze there, and then slap a band-aid on it. This means, due to me manly arm hairedness (which is totally a word, and if not, I trademark it right now!) that I have to have someone at work later rip this thing off of me, along with several dozen hairs and a pitiful screeam from me. Strangely, I have no problem finding volunteers to do this for me.

But this week, when she was done, she pulled a long strip of stuff off a roll. It thought it was like masking tape. But instead, it was like an ace bandage, and when she wrapped it around my arm, over the gauze, and overlapped it, it stuck together like velcro. And when I removed it later, it left all my arm hair when they were meant to be: in my arm. Amazing invention that!

But what I liked BEST about it was...well look at the photo, and see if you can guess!

Yes, it's PURPLE!!! How sweet is that! I mean yeah, it clashes with my orange shirt, but it's PURPLE!!! I think she gave me that color because either 1) she reads the Palace and recognized me and decided to make my day, or 2) she could sense by my aura that I loved purple, or 3) it was the only color she had. I'm going with one or two myself. Don't pop my balloon here, okay? Roll with it.

To see what others posted, purple or not, click here

POLT Listening to "Oh L'Amour" by Erasure

You realize you're talking to a man with a human head in his hands who has every intention of using it to beat there people to death? - Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority #14


smarmoofus said...


I love that clingy wrap stuff. I'm allergic to either the plastic or the adhesive of tape/bandages, and I always end up with welt-like rashes from them (even if they're only on for as little as a half-hour). They invented this material just for me.

Happy HNT!

Kittie Kate said...

I like Erasure!

That sucks! I hate needles. I hope they have a cure soon. they're getting better every year.

my Grandma lived to be 70-something with it, but she didn't take good care of herself.

It runs in my family so I have to have my blood sugar checked all the time. 4 people in my dad's side and 3 on my mom's.

Happy HNT!

Mariposa said...

The purple band looks stylish on you! ;)

They say bitter melon juice can for it?! I love it! I can make you one...


Maeve said...

And why don't they have that here?

Jason said...

lol what an amazing invention HHNT!

Ms. Lily said...

That wrap is great, I get very rashy also when using tapes, I actually get welts from it. But, I never saw it in purple!! I am loving it.

Bunny said...

Love the purple wrap!! I'm sure she sensed your purpleness - there can be no other explanation.

Some people do way better on insulin and find it is easier to comply with than pills. The production involved (draw air into syringe - same amt as insulin needed, push needle into vial, inject air into vial, draw insulin into syringe, pinch big gob of skin at injection site, inject insulin, etc. . . . ) makes it easier to remember to do than taking pills. And insulin is adjustable to circumstances (eating big dinner out, going to have wedding cake, whatever) and allows for more accurate control. Don't look at insulin as a punishment - look at it as a positive possibility!


MarcelloNYC said...


Just a thought. I believe people will not stick to diet and exercise routines until they have decided to make a change towards a positive healthy lifestyle. When you decide that you would rather control it naturally, rather than gobble down medicine—I am here to help you. That's a promise!


Anonymous said...

Nice purple band!

As to the diabetes, it's more common than many people think.

That said, some brilliant doctor figured out that most of the sugar absorption happens early on in the intestine, in a part known as the duodenum. Removing most of the duodenum tends to cure diabetes completely. If you can't absorb the all the sugar then you won't have as much of a problem.

Baby said...

I am sure she sensed that purple was your favorite - and that you deserved it for having to be poked and bled ... Happy HNT!!!!

JW said...

That "manly arm hairedness" (of course it's a proper medical term) can be a real pain, both figuratively and literally.

That someone has come up with such a wonderful solution and in such a colour too - ahhh give than man a Nobel prize!

And give yourself a happy HNT :)

Mojo said...

They use the self-stick gauze at the blood bank too in garish day-glo colors usually. But they always ask if you have a color preference.

Greg and Sheryl said...

As we're sure you know, purple is a very regal color. HHNT!

lime said...

yay for the purpleness that avoids pain, two great joys!

S said...

Yes I know you love it cuz its purple.
When I broke my leg I wanted a purple cast but they made me have that white plaster shit!
HHNT Polty!