Monday, July 07, 2008

Soon they'll all desert you, get your just desserts you...

I don't know HOW I missed this little gem of outstanding wonderfully good news, but in case you hadn't heard, Jesse Helms died on Friday! About 40 years too late, I think.

He was a rascist, homophobic, small minded, narrow minded bigot. North Carolina sent him to the Senate for 30 years starting in 1972, and I think they all need to apologize to the country as a whole for their decades long mistake.

Thanks to him, and complete complicity within the Reagan White House, funding for AIDS research was hamstrung, if not outright denied, for years. While many many people with AIDS suffered and died, Helms sat back and used all of his deviousness and political wrangling he could muster to make sure they got as little money for research. And he was proud of that fact as well.

If there is a God in heaven, Jesse Helms is now in Hell surrounded by hordes of gay black men with huge penises that will do nothing but force him to have anal sex with them for the rest of eternity. I certainly can't think of a more appropriate "reward" for all his hard work in the Senate.

POLT Listening to "Requiem In D Minor" by Mozart Oil: 141.55 (-2.63); Gas: 3.99 (-)

Americans should be embarrassed that an Arab king, Abdullah of Jordan, spoke more fluently and articulately in English than our own president at their joint press conference. - Charley Reese

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